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Tell me and I forget, teach me and I may remember, involve me and I learn - Chinese Proverb (Xun Kuang). I found an application that truly embodies this proverb and its the one you are looking at. This application is not the only resource you need in order to learn the Godot game engine and its language, GDScript. This app is however, one of the best resources that will help you get started...

Learn GDScript From Zero
The most interactive GDScript learning app

Godot is one of the coolest open source game engines, but it can be daunting to get started. This application provides you the most interactive, fun and user friendly ways to get started. This app will teach you GDScript, the native language of Godot.

Learn GDScript From Zero
The most interactive GDScript learning app

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I felt a sense of relief after watching the Snowden movie and also the Social Dilemma documentary, but I was stuck pondering. What now? How do I use this? Is there really a solution? Surfing across the web I landed on the Center for Humane Technology website. I clicked through everything and even enrolled in the CHT fundamentals course... Everything had clicked! I was finally connected and...
Center For Humane Technology
Together we're working to catalyze a more humane future

Your attention is far more precious than data, to platforms & services in tech. You can break free from the ills that prey on human weakness and help others do the same. With CHT it's no longer a dream, but a possiblity because they have the tools and info.
Center For Humane Technology
Together we're working to catalyze a more humane future

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I'm currently working on a remix based on the YouTube series, Epic Rap Battles of Mystery. A fictional series called Epic Rap Battles of Mystery. This is what i have so far
What is your most recent creation,whether it is still under development or completed?share it below!
Pramit Marattha
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This is superb. I'll definitely use it in my next project
Animation music video making platform with custom characters

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This project died long time ago

ujo music

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Hit and miss. It was probably developed by a wasteman

Cartoon yourself and create cartoon avatar