Workflow Energy Management Sheet

Workflow Energy Management Sheet

Organize Tasks by Energy to Optimize Your Day
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The community submitted 4 reviews to tell us what they like about Workflow Energy Management Sheet, what Workflow Energy Management Sheet can do better, and more.
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4 Reviews
Andrew Kamphey
Making Better Google Sheets
15 reviews
Disclaimer: I've helped code this project to bring some pretty awesome magic things happen. But I love the theory behind this sheet and love that it's redefined how I think of To-Do lists in google sheets. Anna brought her entire energy management consulting experience into this sheet and it really shows.
Zoe Georgiou
Google Sheet Designer
5 reviews
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This is such a cool sheet, I love! If you suffer from procrastination, like me, this sheet will motivate you because you can see 'that thing' can be done in 10, 20, 30 minutes etc. and you realize it's not such a big deal. Likewise, when you know something takes longer, you can be more realistic and not leave it all until the last minute! Get this sheet and save yourself. It's amazing.
Coco Anderson
creator of magic ☾
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Ashley Saunders
I help e-commerce brands scale quickly
3 reviews
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Anna has distilled her years of coaching and research into a really easy to use spreadsheet. By simply working through it, you'll realise what's costing you energy and motivation and the tasks that boost them. I was able to quickly spot adjustments in how I could better manage my time and energy levels. You can reclaim hours of your working week by following Anna's advice that's contained within this spreadsheet.