whatifi for business

low-code business models. no formulas. no spreadsheets.
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What is whatifi for business?
whatifi is a highly visual, low code financial and strategic decision-making platform. We make it easy for SMBs and Founders to ask, and answer, their most important “what if” business questions - in seconds. Using our decision-tree like scenario canvas builder, finance teams VISUALLY connect together pre-built business logic events to model countless, concurrent financial simulations. Runway. Cash flow. Staffing. Pricing. Capacity. All without formulas or spreadsheets.
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Recent launches

whatifi For Business
Low-code, decision making clarity for SMBs. We help business leaders VISUALLY model, compare and share countless “what if” financial and strategic simulations - in seconds. Runway. Cash flow. Staffing. Pricing. Capacity. All without formulas or spreadsheets.
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We provide families and individuals with the peace-of-mind that their financial decisions will be successful, long-term. Users visually create multiple personal scenarios and calculate the best path through those results. Build. Share. Collaborate.
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