Via Delivery

Via Delivery

Buy Online Pickup Anywhere for Online stores and D2C brands
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What is Via Delivery?
Via.Delivery is a technology and access to 36,000 pick locations for Buy Online Pickup Anywhere experience on Shopify, WooCommerce, and other platforms It reduces shipping costs, protects parcels from theft, and reduces the carbon footprint of parcels delivery
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Recent launches

Via.Delivery is a technology and access to 36,000 pick locations for Buy Online Pickup Anywhere experience on Shopify, WooCommerce, and other platforms It reduces shipping costs, protects parcels from theft, and reduces the carbon footprint of parcels delivery
Via Delivery
Via Delivery is an IT solution to make offline retail - pick points for e-commerce using logistics infrastructure of the retail. So we offer the cheapest last mile solution to e-commerce and traffic to retail that it knows how to convert.
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