
The fast & easy way to automatically monitor your competitor
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13 Reviews
Mihri Minaz

Engineering at beams

5 reviews
love it!
Marketing@Sealit - Email&File Encryption
67 reviews
Absolutely amazing! It is very important to observe competitors and realize what steps they took and what is leading them to their access. It is awesome to have a tool that can simplify process and provide you all the information you are looking for... Congrats on the launch! 🥳✨
Check it out! Really great product!
Michael Sieb

Founder & Leadership

121 reviews
I remember when @maximilian_fleitmann and @sina_sadegh first told me about the idea of tona. My first question was whether such a product didn't already exist, because it sounded so obviously. I could immediately relate to the idea of developing a one-stop solution for competitor monitoring. We have been doing this ourselves for several years in a very painful and time consuming manual process. That's why I'm very proud to see what the team has achieved over the last few months and even more excited about todays release of the first version and also have the honor to hunt tona.
Max Schulz

Founder & Leadership at Kombo

1 review
Love this and how this helps to put competitor research on autopilot. I've looked to replace my spreadsheet workflow with a tool like this for a while. So far super excited about the product! :) Congrats on the launch @maximilian_fleitmann and team
Willi Sommer
Head of Webflow at Magic Design.
1 review
WOW. This really is just one of those ideas, where you wonder why no one before came up with the idea. For sure this will change how we drive innovation and competitor monitoring. Solid work @maximilian_fleitmann1 & @sina_sadegh
Anna Kasumova
Co-founder & marketer at
103 reviews
Guys! Thank you for your product. This is the feedback: 1) I used Google Alarm for getting some information about competitors, but it's really not enough for good marketing strategy. Now I see the product which I really think the most useful what I have seen here 2) Your website - respect for it. It's absolutely clear, neat and nice. 3) I like your logo. It's like the Palm, I think I can have a rest under the palm if I know that somebody watching my competitors 4) What did you competitor eat today? Now I will know - great and very simple idea! 5) I like the name. It means that you can give a lot of information (tone, tunna) 6) I like the website part "Coming soon". I want the feature "Who is my competitor" 7) Prices are ok Thank you for this product, I will explore who is my competitor and ask you to monitor them.
2 reviews
Great product! We can now quickly and easily make analyses of our competitors and even track newsletters.
Daniel C
Daniel C
1 review
Just one word: awesome! It helps me a lot to keep track of my competitors and save time to focus on my main business!
Ege Beşe
Ege Beşe

Design at Magic Design

2 reviews
Amazing idea, amazing features!