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  • Tiny Acquisitions

    Tiny Acquisitions

    Where the best tiny projects are acquired
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    What do people think of Tiny Acquisitions?

    The community submitted 27 reviews to tell us what they like about Tiny Acquisitions, what Tiny Acquisitions can do better, and more.
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    3.5/5All time (7 reviews)
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    27 Reviews
    Ks Aravindhaan
    1 review
    Togi Kavukcija
    Application builder, currently inventing
    1 review
    Initially, I liked the idea of Tiny Acquisitions. I had my prototype which I thought would be a perfect fit to list. However, the team rejected my listing without any explanation or feedback. I still think the platform is nice but not professionally managed.
    Stephen Campbell
    Hi Tobi, The prototype that you thought would be perfect to list might not have met our standards and we send every seller an email with possible reasons when their listings are not placed in our marketplace. You may not have received the feedback that you'd have liked to receive but it doesn't mean that we aren't professional or we provided no explanation or feedback.
    Melch πŸ‘”

    Sales at Melch Capital

    8 reviews
    Does exactly what it's designed for and what it says it will do. I appreciate the simplicity and how the site/functionality doesn't have a lot of "fluff" to make it complex. You can see exactly what they offer and what they're made for within the first 5 seconds I look through this site regularly to make small acquisitions
    Entrepreneur and Serial Acquirer
    1 review
    This is unfortunate to say, but after using the platform for the last week or so, I would NOT recommend it at all. Ignore the fake positive reviews from their launch and from friends. I'll give you the straightforward low-down on this "marketplace". There are very few real listings there... many are fake or had been sold a very long time ago. But of course, they don't update the listings or tell you at all. There's no way to sort them either or see when they were posted. Smart move by Stephen. So it gives you the impression that there's more than there really is available. They've also got a deceptive marketing campaign running where they're paying VAs to infiltrate several communities, such as subreddits, to talk positively about the platform and drive traffic. But in reality, there's no value there at all. They're really just thieving money from people at this point with what they're charging. Search a little deeper into people's experiences with Stephen and this platform - you'll see what I mean. Should be a 0/5 star rating. EDIT: To respond to Stephen's reply. 1) The account is not "fake". I have ZERO other avenue to write a review. You have no Google Business profile from what I can tell, no Trustpilot, no way for me to leave you a review in any other fashion. Yes, I created this specifically to review your site, as anyone else would need to do as well. 2) I would not use my full name and link to a public profile as to not be at the mercy of any blowback from you getting more of my info than you already have.
    Stephen Campbell
    It's interesting that you would create a fake account with the only activity being leaving a poor review of this product. Why not use an authentic profile with a track record of activity on Product Hunt and your full name and a link to a public profile? I would have to disagree that there are few real listings as we onboard dozens of reviewed listings per week. We do update the listings and give our sellers the option to delist or mark their listings as sold. We also do in fact have a way to sort and filter our listings. From time to time, sellers make connections with persons on platform and choose to sell offline to avoid our commission, thereby utilizing the value of our platform but undercutting us. And we have not protested this behavior. This leads to listings being sold and the sellers not updating that they have been sold. We do allow buyers to report these listings and once they are reported we remove them or mark them as sold once we can verify.
    Truetube ON


    4 reviews
    The website not working I am surprised
    Beta for 30Days to Launch Open πŸš€
    20 reviews
    Along with Product Hunt it's one of those sites that I check on a regular basis for cool products that are up for sale. It's really easy to explore the listings and I love the filters that you can use - for me they're helpful to find the no-code listings πŸ˜€
    Laurits Just
    Manager of Flippa Invest
    2 reviews
    Good luck today guys! Rooting for you.
    David Hackett
    UX Designer
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    Mohammed asif
    I have a mens cloth store
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    Jason Williams
    Glad to be here
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