
Turn python scripts into beautiful ML tools
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What is Streamlit?
Streamlit lets you create apps for your machine learning projects with deceptively simple Python scripts. Prototype quickly with hot-reloading, so your app updates live as you edit and save your file. Try it now: ⬇️ $pip install streamlit $streamlit hello
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Maker shoutouts
Makers get only 3 shoutouts per launch
Streamlit is a fantastic platform, and we're thrilled that our open-source Python tools integrate seamlessly with it. This integration has brought us a vibrant community of users who have inspired us with their creations, provided invaluable feedback, and allowed us to easily test advanced use cases. Many of these features are now available in our new tool, thanks to the inspiration and insights from the Streamlit community.
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Recent launches

Publication Spot 2.0
Pubication spot is a platform to search research papers using the paper you find useful, instead of keywords.
- Just input the title and abstract of the article you like, and get similar articles
Publication Spot 2.0 image
Github Profile README Generator
Usage 🔧
- Fill in the text boxes. Leave the ones you do not wish to fill, blank.
Features 💿
Different Types of Github Stats Cards
.yml file to display Blog Posts from your feed
Ability to add image banners at beginning of README
Random Jokes Card
2 more launches