I had positive experiences with Start-Playing overall, despite the hefty charges they put on GMs and players, until I had a 'hostile' review; a player did not communicate any issues within the games for me to resolve, or ask for a refund - they just left a negative review.
I wanted to refund the player's two sessions in the campaign as long as the misleading review (as I can't do anything to change my GM skills/style if I don't get feedback in the session) was taken off - and Start-Playing, despite given extensive evidence on my part why this review was not fair, refused to take off the review.
This is why I signed to their website and agree to the heavy costs; for issues such as this, I expect the website to support both GMs as well as players to leave amicably from campaigns if there is a disagreement. I can't bring back the time the player invested for the player, but I will pay them back for their sessions (and Start-Playing for any costs involved for them) if the review is taken off.
I feel like this is the best thing I can do to resolve the situation for everyone, and I am unable to do so. I truly believe this is not fair.
Also, on their website, there is no way to comment on reviews from players to give a response so potential customers can assess the reviews - as such, I have to give the website a 1 star review until the hostile review is removed, or Start-Playing allow GMs to comment to negative reviews on their own page like Trustpilot.