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  • Seed Checks

    Fill your seed round way faster
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    What do people think of Seed Checks?

    The community submitted 5 reviews to tell us what they like about Seed Checks, what Seed Checks can do better, and more.
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    5 Reviews
    Obiajulu Onyema
    Community Marketing Expert | Growth Lead
    12 reviews
    I have been following Julian for years and I have been impressed by everything that he puts out because he executes it marvelously. SeedChecks is another brilliant project
    Ayush Jaiswal
    Cofounder/CEO at Pesto Tech
    9 reviews
    Such an amazing idea by folks here - great initiative to avoid timesink. Wish we had this a few years back as well - congrats to everyone involved & thanks for making it happen! Such a blessing for founders :)
    Ash Rahman 🎮
    Founder & C.E.O @ playWhiteLabel.com
    3 reviews
    Cool product, love the simplicity. It's a total time waste for founders cold pitching VCs and angels following all the nuances. Seed Checks will be a game changer if executed properly. Already submitted an application for WhiteLabel Games $100K pre-seed round!
    Startup Wannabe
    28 reviews
    About time!
    Todd Hagopian
    Startup in the off-grid fintech space
    1 review
    So excited about this effort, looking forward to submitting our proposal this week. I just wanted to thank you all for giving entrepreneurs a cool place to submit proposals to real people who will listen to their ideas. Best of luck!