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  • Robot Recipes

    Robot Recipes

    Recipes without those annoying popups and unrelated ads.
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    What do people think of Robot Recipes?

    The community submitted 2 reviews to tell us what they like about Robot Recipes, what Robot Recipes can do better, and more.
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    4.5/5All time (2 reviews)
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    2 Reviews
    Andrew Brodsky
    10 reviews
    I love this concept. A few "suggestions" or questions. Are the recipes created by AI or our they scraped from the web? If they are from the web it would be great to get the reference. I search Google for recipes ALL the time, but I typically make only recipes that are 5*. If these are scraped is there a way to show by stars? How about the ability to rebuild the recipe? Also, it would be great to have a better print view so that you could select which components of the page to include.
    Julien Zmiro
    Designer @AskMore.ai
    12 reviews
    I haven't tried the recipes yet, but I love the visual style and illustration! Well done! Something I've always wanted in recipes apps is the ability to filter recipes by ingredients (e.g. "Tomatoes + basil + red onion"). Is that something you're planning to add?