Remote OK" is a phrase often used to indicate that something is suitable or feasible to be done remotely, typically referring to jobs or work opportunities that can be performed from anywhere with an internet connection. It's commonly associated with remote work job boards or platforms that specialize in listing remote job openings. If you have a specific context or question about "Remote OK," feel free
Every feature in this website is so mediocre, not even filtering works properly and on top of that they now have misleading salary ranges for job posting that don't disclose what they're willing to pay.
Terrible company. I spend time to create my job description and fill out all their inputs, but I got an error trying to pay. Had to refresh and lost my inputs, so filled everything out a second time, but same thing: "Failed to load resource: the server responded with a status of 500 ()" I couldn't find any support or help link or page. Also, it's very dodgy that I can't find the legal entity... black company. avoid.
Jobs are sorted by posting date by default and a decent number of new and useful jobs especially for developers are posted regularly there. Good product overall.