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What do people think of PurpleAds?

The community submitted 5 reviews to tell us what they like about PurpleAds, what PurpleAds can do better, and more.
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5 Reviews
1 review
Excellent network and received first payment from PayPal👍🏻 Highly recommend and will be using them, the ad revenue was low for the first 3 weeks but it improved a lot. My only critique is to consider more google ads and please consider adding criteo as a ad partner. criteo is a large ad company and it would be great to have them on board. But so far its a excellent network and I can vouch for.
Steven Roennfeldt
Business Owner, Steve the Bartender
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Review of PurpleAds
Alger Marke
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Review of PurpleAds
Muntasir Rashid
Building 👉 https://promptmatic.ai
9 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of PurpleAds
My first impression with the idea was, I love it. It's simple, new ad space to target with more natural looking ads. However, the product is still super early to be an ad network. At best, it can be a traffic exchange network. I ran a $30/day ad campaign and here is my results: 17,902 Ad Impression, 35 Clicks, $0.86 CPC. The idea is great but needs more in depth targeting.
Miguel Ferreira
Bootstrapper teardwn.com + copyipsum.com
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