Privacy Party

Privacy Party

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The community submitted 3 reviews to tell us what they like about Privacy Party, what Privacy Party can do better, and more.
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4.7/5All time (3 reviews)
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3 Reviews
Morgan Lucas
Storytelling via Tech |
10 reviews
I miss the days of the old internet; Where you could share more about yourself and not be judged, or stalked (as much). Now it's "I shared this here; Do I have a good enough reputation here so no one will try to hunt me down and ruin what little life I have?" Tools like Privacy Party help; My one caveat is that I do have to log into Chrome and log into my sites to use it, a few times a year or so, to check my settings. If it's available for Firefox, I would certainly 5 star it.
Ellen Pao
Ellen Pao
6 reviews
It's just too hard to track and update privacy settings as an individual. I'm so glad to have an expert reviewing it for me and making it so much easier to change. Thank you!!
Really useful for managing the dozens of tiny confusing settings that each social media product uses to try and nudge me into oversharing. I thought I was pretty locked down, but Privacy Party found even more Instagram notifications for me to turn off, and some dodgy LinkedIn privacy options I hadn't even thought of.