Opus Clip is an utter game-changer! And I LOVE LOVE LOVE it. In fact, I might be addicted!
I've got hundreds and hundreds of hours of long-form videos that are sitting there dead. Doing nothing for my business.
So in they go into Opus Clip, and wizz bang out comes stunning little clips ranging from 45 seconds to 1 min 45.
They have text built-in in different sizes and colours and keep people's attention. It would take me hours and hours to do that. But here's the big one - and why you should 100% use Opus Clip.
They seem to be able to cut and mix the content in a way that the video loops seamlessly. Plus, they pull out the different parts in a combination I would never have thought to do. And I'm dam good at this stuff.
And if you think you have to use long videos, think again. I put in a 3min video and out popped two stunning clips.
And not only do you get the clip, but you also get the text to go with it, a ranking and a great headline. Plus, it does loads more!
Utterly brilliant. Thank you, @young_zhao and your team. You changed everything for me.