Thank you, I wish the world would be like the day God created it, it would be a country without borders, it would not be colonized by force and power, free borders, free science, and everyone could live wherever they want, justice, that is, no one should pay for an applicant, and the resources of the world are for the people of the world, everyone has the same wealth. There are no installments, they speak the same language, and the world becomes a country with justice, no one should be one cent richer than others, or the situation of rent and bribery should end. Say hello to my fellow Asians. Pray for the emergence of a universal justice that it will be a reality and pray for the savior of the world and for his coming with the slogan of justice and equal opportunity in the world, no one in my country has a passport and a kosher identification card, all of you are fellow countrymen with the same rights and rights as the leader of the whole world. It doesn't have the oil of the oil-rich and poor countries, even the apartments of Dubai and Los Angeles, Burley was one country and people. It would be a wonderful day if it really existed. I was researching, I wanted to tell my wish.