Launched on July 30th, 2018
LessPhone is a Minimal Android App Launcher that takes up your Home Screen and stops you from using those time consuming apps => https://www.producthunt.com/posts/nophone-2
Now it 's completely rewritten from scratch in Android Native, complete with selection of two custom apps, dark theme, easier settings access, my love, and magic ;D
I know the point of the app is to be minimal and don't get me wrong, I do like this, but I feel that "minimal" should not equal "almost useless".
2 apps: 1 of them has to be the Camera for me (and most people) since that's one of the few smartphone apps that really do make the user's life better.
So that leaves 1 app slot. I put Telegram because that's my messenger of choice BUT a lot of my contacts use only What'sApp. Same things with other apps but this is the best example.
Also, an integrated not-taking utility would be great for when you really need to note something down that's not a task but don't want to deal with the clutter of most apps.
In conclusion, I think it should allow you to use more apps. And maybe include a minimal icon pack :)
That's all.
This is a much needed product for this age of distracting products that tries to keep you in loop.
Great little utility! Got a credit from the play store which made the pro version only cost 29p 😎