More Labs

More Labs

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2.7/5All time (1 review)
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185 Reviews
Victoria Tsai
1 review
I just want to say that I loved Morning Recovery up until this very moment. I’ve reached out to their customer service, who unfortunately did absolutely nothing and has lead me to leave this review. I’ve been a long time customer, swearing by Morning Recovery for any night out. I’d even pass them out to friends on big nights. I received my subscription order in the mail today - only to find a wet, deteriorating box that smelled like it had been sitting in trash for days. I reached out to them team, letting them know how disgusting it was for me to open a package to find something like this…only for them to make up excuses about how it was damaged in shipping. Mind you, there were no scratches or cuts on the plastic shipping bag that it came it. Instead of asking more questions, seeing more pictures, or getting to the bottom of it - they make a lame excuse and refund me (thankfully). I’m not looking for any freebies here - that’s not why I’m mad. I’m mad because this is a product we consume. How is the morelabs team not taking this more seriously? Is it because this is a reoccurring issue and instead of fixing it, you point the blame elsewhere? Even if they cannot pinpoint where this issue started - they should have done more than pass the blame elsewhere.
2 reviews
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I think this product tastes great and is very convenient to carry around. It also helps with headaches
Frank Chen
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Fu Chen
Fu Chen
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Fu Chen
Fu Chen
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Fu Chen
Fu Chen
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Fu Chen
Fu Chen
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Kristen Madgitz
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Alexander Lawson
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Tom Shen
Tom Shen
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