

Meet Momentum: the productivity coach in your pocket.
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What do people think of Momentum?

The community submitted 14 reviews to tell us what they like about Momentum, what Momentum can do better, and more.
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14 Reviews
Dawn Haney
I’m a feminist change consultant
1 review
Momentum keeps me focused on my biggest priorities, rather than everyone else’s requests. As someone interested in driving change, I need that support to translate long term vision into day-to-day actions that will get me there. The Productive Flourishing team are so interested in my success, and continuing to iterate products that help me meet my creative goals.
Charlie Gilkey
Thanks for reviewing Momentum, Dawn! It's great to hear that Momentum is supporting your change-making – the world needs what you're doing.
Angela Wheeler
Thank you for the shout out and great review, Dawn. You definitely described us well here: “The Productive Flourishing team are so interested in my success…” 👈🏻 Yes, we are and we are excited to help celebrate with you as you being your important work into the world. Keep letting us know what that is so we can elevate it too.
Nicole Chaplin
Dawn we appreciate your feedback.Its important to us that you are able to translate your long term vision into day-to-day plans. This is a huge reason why Momentum was created.
Bernadette Balics
Eco-friendly landscape design.
1 review
Great to have a planning system that easily toggles between the big picture and daily details.
Nicole Chaplin
We are happy to hear that Momentum is working well for you and we appreciate your feedback and support! One of our main goal is for the user to be able to maneuver within different views easily. Thank you for your feedback!
Angela Wheeler
Thank you, Bernadette! We're happy to hear that Momentum is supportive for you to get from the big picture to the today of things. We're always happy to hear about your successes while using the method, so please know we're always here to celebrate them with you. It's a lot of fun for us.
Shannon McDonough
"... easily toggles between the big picture and daily details." YES! Thank you for sharing how Momentum is working for you, Bernadette. Nimble, yet structured. That's what we're talkin' about!
Erika Steeves
Freelance copyeditor for indie authors.
1 review
Momentum is a must-have for freelancers! I use it to plan all my projects and consistently feel less overwhelmed and more in control of my time.
Nicole Chaplin
Erika that is wonderful to hear that using Momentum has you in a position of better control of your time. Thank you for your feedback!
Angela Wheeler
Thank you, Erika. We appreciate your support and feedback. I have been honored and excited to see what all you have gotten momentum on in your own business while using Momentum and being part of our community. <3
Charlie Gilkey
Thanks, Erika! While we know Momentum will help people get more of the right stuff done, we also want people to feel less overwhelmed and more in control of their time. I'm glad Momentum is delivering that for you!
Heidi Romero
Pharmacist & manager of two businesses.
1 review
It has been a game changer for me! The Momentum app has enabled me to break down several complex, long term projects with diverse needs into manageable chunks and goals. The ability to navigate between annual, quarterly, monthly, weekly, and daily goals and tasks helps me stay on track and making progress without feeling overwhelmed. The integration with Google Calendar has made it very easy to manage my project planning around my daily work schedule and demands. The support team has been very helpful and highly receptive to feedback to offer users continuous improvement with the goal of providing an easy to use productivity driven product.
Nicole Chaplin
Heidi we are so excite to hear that Momentum has worked so well for you. That is our intention and we worked hard on removing the feeling of being overwhelmed. Thank you for your feedback!
Angela Wheeler
Thank you for your great feedback, Heidi! We always love to hear from our community about what they are needing and wanting. This has been a community grown app and we're going to keep centering that. I'm heartened to hear that it has been a game changer for you. Yes!!
Charlie Gilkey
Thanks for the review, Heidi! Combining horizon-shifting with project management has been a difficult nut to crack and I'm glad we've stuck with it. I also appreciate your reaching out to our support team so we can continue to make the product better. I think you'll really like the project quickstart function we have on the road map, too.
Love cool stuff
1 review
Cuts through the clutter of figuring out what to focus on in order get what truly matters done, and stop wasting time on distractions and inner-spin.
Nicole Chaplin
One of our main goals with Momentum is to avoid wasting time and shift our energy into what matters most. Thank you for your feedback Jonathan.
Angela Wheeler
Thank you, Jonathan. We appreciate your feedback and support. "Stop wasting time on distractions and inner-spin." <--- Yes! Such a great visual for me and truly what we hope to help our people with.
Charlie Gilkey
Thanks for the review, Jonathan. Lord knows we don't need another app that seduces us into thinking that clicking a task done has meant we've done our best/sparky work.
The One You Feed
Founder, The One You Feed
1 review
Love it! Really good app and experience.
Mariah Williamson
Thank you so much for reviewing Momentum! So pleased to see it has given you a positive and productive experience. Feel free to let us know how Momentum has helped you or how we can help you with Momentum!
Angela Wheeler
Thank you for the review of Momentum. We really appreciate your feedback and support. Please do let us know if you need any support using Momentum in the way that best works for you.
Maria Bengtson
Writer and editor in Chicagoland
1 review
I got in on Momentum in the beta stage. I was a little skeptical because I tend to find digital planners to be more complicated than they need to be, but I've never been let down by anything from this team so I gave it a shot. I'm SO glad I did. Momentum helps me keep my daily work in line with my long-term goals. It is easy to use, gets even better with each update, and is the one tab that is ALWAYS loaded in any browser I'm using. Thanks so much for the great product!
Mariah Williamson
A little skepticism is healthy, however, in this case I am so glad to see that Momentum has yielded positive results for you! Thank you for sharing with us how our app has helped you stay focused with your daily and long-time goals. Honorable mention to your addition that it "gets even better with each update" as we really do work to take into consideration the feedback we receive from our users! Appreciate your support Maria!
Angela Wheeler
Hi, Maria! Wow! Thank you for the generous feedback and giving us a GO with Momentum. We're honored that we've been able to deliver and support in a way that works for you and that you've stayed with us. We feel like it's getting better with every update too and are excited to hear that from you. We're looking forward to releasing more features really soon, so stay on the lookout for those.
Jennifer McAllister (Jen)
Event Specialist for
1 review
Amazing. I love the interface and the ease of use between my devices.
Mariah Williamson
Hey Jen! Wonderful to see that the interface and ease between devices is working for you. We planned Momentum to be able to use in "plan mode" while on desktop and easily go to "drive" mode on mobile and have it work for you wherever you're at. Thank you for your feedback and for supporting Momentum!
Angela Wheeler
Thanks so much for the feedback and great review, Jen! We're happy to hear that the interface is working well for you and it's suiting you for going back and forth on devices. That's what we want. We're here to help anytime should you have any questions or feedback.
Kenn Raaf
Kenn Raaf
3 reviews
I’ve tried dozens of organizational tools over the years and Momentum has proven to be the best of the best. It allows me to maintain that important 1000 foot view while simultaneously enables me to deeply focus on all of those tasks to realize my vision / achieve the goal. No other tool has come close to Momentum for me.
Angela Wheeler
Ken, what generous feedback. Thank you for taking the time to share with us and others how Momentum has helped you focus. Here's to continuing to turn those visions and goals into your lived reality!!! That you've tried so many tools over the year and Momentum is the one for to hear that and that's high praise.
Mariah Williamson
Super stoked to see that you have found the Goldilocks of organizational tools in Momentum, Ken. We value feedback like this. It lets us know we did something right! Thank you for your support.
Eric Grey
Eric Grey
Acupuncturist, small biz owner, geek
1 review
I'm a bit of a productivity geek, and like many of us, have rotated through many planning & task management apps. One of the things that often sees me swing from one app to the next is the level of complexity. Sometimes my projects and work need a high degree of granular planning and tracking, and sometimes I need something much simpler to keep my mind clear. Momentum is definitely on the more complex & highly structured end of things, and so if you are a person who prefers extreme minimalism or are just in a phase of your work where structure is more of a hindrance than a help, then this app might not be your speed at the moment. On the other hand, if you are amid a complex enterprise, responsible for many deadlines, or are just a person who prefers to have clear and structured guidance for your day-to-day work, I don't think there's another app with more to recommend it than this one. From the earliest stages, the team has centered creating something unique that supports the philosophy that Charlie Gilkey & Productive Flourishing have discussed in their work. This isn't just a cookie cutter app that provides a slightly different UI to essentially the same feature set. It keeps you away from the mindless management of one urgent or poorly planned task after another that can become common when things are intense. Its structure forces you to carefully consider how much you can do - and what the costs are of adding "just one more thing" into an already crammed day. Anyway - while I will doubtless still use some more unstructured and flexible solutions for the work and the times of my life that warrant it (Things is my favorite), Momentum is my go-to for high level projects, intense times & any time I just crave a more structured approach to how I spend my time.
Osheyana Martinez
😍 wow this gave me so many warm fuzzies! Thanks for seeing what we’re about and speaking to it, Eric. We’re so happy to have you on our journey 😊
Charlie Gilkey
This is such a great review, Eric! Your point about where Momentum exists in the complexity/simplicity spectrum is dead-on; we don't need another to-do list tool because there are so many great ones already that I also use and recommend. (Note: future versions of Momentum will have a digital analog of our Action Item Catcher to do a lot of this week, but it wasn't where we wanted to start.) When a simple to-do app isn't enough, Momentum has your back. :)
Angela Wheeler
Wow! Thank you, Eric. Like Charlie mentioned, this is a really great review with the detail you gave and where Momentum lives for you in the way of apps that support the work you are doing.