
Make your applications faster with Momento Cache
2 reviews

What is Momento?

Momento Cache is a truly serverless caching service. It provides instant elasticity, scales to zero, and is blazing fast. Gone are the days of managing capacity. With Momento Cache, you grab the SDK, sling a few lines of code, and you're off and running.

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5/5 based on 2 reviews


Emrah Samdan
2 reviews
Momento team brings incredible expertise and great product on the table! They have already solved Serverless caching problem and keeps moving to the adjacent spaces. It's backed by great team of human beings and subject matter experts. Congrats on the launch team!
Aidan Steele
1 review
I love what Momento is doing. It's nice that they have a useful product with great performance, but the killer feature (IMO) is the real serverless pricing, i.e. pay per use. Zero usage costs $0. That makes it so much easier to justify integrating into all projects, knowing I'm not paying some monthly cost * number of products * number of environments.