Less Annoying CRM

Less Annoying CRM

Simple contact management for small businesses
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What do people think of Less Annoying CRM?

The community submitted 29 reviews to tell us what they like about Less Annoying CRM, what Less Annoying CRM can do better, and more.
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29 Reviews
John Riley
Business owner
1 review
I've used LACRM for a number of years it's far and away the best app in my tool box. I live in this app and the new version is fantastic. Thanks Tyler!

Peter Ryan
Advertising and Marketing Mechanic’
1 review
There are about 650 CRM’s out there, I have tried 100 at least, Less Annoying CRM is the Best Value CRM out there for Small Business, Great Customer Service and the product is getting better and better all the time Do your self a favour get a Trial

Adlane Fellah
Wireless Industry analyst and investor
1 review
I love less annoying because it is less annoying than other CRMs. It is simple to use and very affordable. I highly recommend for very small businesses like mine!

Calum Smith

Managing Director

1 review
I have no clue what other companies look for in a CRM, but every time I looked at this, or using the likes of Wired contact, maximiser, salesforce they are just overly complicated for me and to adjust anything required an IT person to talk to me over the phone and expect me to understand what I'm doing. With Less Annoying, it was simple, I can change things easily with out any help or very little, as it is that straight forward. I can makes this a simple or as complicated as I like, hide tabs or remove them and on top of this its really cost effective compared to the others. The online tuition is great for staff training and the plugins and integrations work well. I would highly recommend

Anton Laukemper
1 review
So far I only used LACRM during the trial phase but I really liked the way it's doing what its supposed to do. As soon as we are needing a CRM we will consider using it.

Michael Koper
Founder Nusii
8 reviews
I'm not a customer, but recently I made a LACRM integration with their new API. All I can say is that their support is really top-notch. They were really helpful and open to feedback. Just by talking with many of them, you can see that the company's culture is great. It is great to talk to people who can actually help you instead of some tier 1 support person.

Natalie Beauchamp
Passionate entrepreneur & owner
1 review
This tool has helped to keep me on track with my clients. It is a streamlined and easy to you tool.

Kam Samji
Kam Samji
Owner of WIll Writing law firm
1 review
I've been an LACRM customer for many years and it has exactly the perfect balance with features and human support within 24 hours at no extra cost. It is very customizable and now with the Zapier integration is now even more powerful. They're a great team - I love them having my back.

Tonya Kubo
Online community strategist
1 review
I was hired by a solopreneur expanding their business a few months ago. They had been using Less Annoying CRM for a couple of years. While I had never heard of it, I jumped into the account to explore. Within a couple of hours, I had complete perspective on all clients and prospects. When I complimented the owner for their diligence, they said, "LACRM makes it so easy, it's almost harder NOT to use it to track conversations." Now, we're rolling it out to everyone on our team and using it to track everything from traditional lead generation to client onboarding and publicity efforts. The customer service experience has been incredible and I'm finding that it really is too easy NOT to use daily.

Udayraj Parmar


394 reviews
I've been using Less Annoying CRM for a few months now, and I'm really impressed with it. It's everything I wanted in a CRM: easy to use, affordable, and packed with features. One of the things I love most about LACRM is how easy it is to use. The interface is clean and intuitive, and it's easy to find the features you need. Even if you're not a tech-savvy person, you'll be able to get up and running with LACRM in no time. Congratulation makers of LACRM