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  • Leapsome


    Unlock People Potential, Boost Productivity
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    What do people think of Leapsome?

    The community submitted 75 reviews to tell us what they like about Leapsome, what Leapsome can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Leapsome?
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    5/5All time (30 reviews)
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    75 Reviews
    Sophie Voß-Jürgensen

    Community & Support at Leapsome

    5 reviews
    First things first: I work at Leapsome, so I might be slightly biased. However, I already used Leapsome at my previous company, and the product experience was so great that it made me apply for Leapsome and join my current role. What more of a testimonial can I give? :) I am a frontline manager, and I use Leapsome daily to organize my 1:1s, team meetings, and cross-departmental meetings (and any other meetings) and to keep track of my to-dos and direct reports' to-dos. All in all: I am not overly tech-savvy, and Leapsome makes it easy for me as it's intuitive, and I can adapt it to my needs, not the other way around. Hence, I can only give 5/5, no notes.
    Marc-Alexander Vetter
    Entrepreneur heading Finance
    1 review
    Helps to be a much more effective manager and people leader every day
    Anthony Pelosi
    Product Manager
    1 review
    Very intuitive and flexible!
    Asaf Fybish
    Organic Growth Marketing | B2D/B2B
    2 reviews
    Great tool that help me save so much time on meetings!
    Charlotte McCormack


    1 review
    Takes the stress out of meeting prep and keeps everything neatly in one place!
    L D
    L D

    HR & Hiring

    2 reviews
    As a people manager and HR leader, Leapsome offers a robust set of tools, analytics, and AI support to help me do my job better.
    Aljoša Šljuka
    Creating cool software products
    1 review
    I use Leapsome daily. It's great for streamlining meetings and feedback across the whole company.
    Sebastian Karges
    Thank you Aljoša, much appreciated! And welcome to the club of daily users ;)
    Elisa Tamburini

    Content at JotURL

    3 reviews
    Definitely a tool that cannot be missing from a company that deals with digital marketing. It's an incredible tool for saving time and making meetings more efficient. Thanks for sharing this on Product Hunt!
    Yen-Ting Chen

    Product at Swaap v2

    1 review
    Leapsome Meetings tackles the challenge of inefficient and unproductive meetings by offering a structured and integrated platform. It helps me in organizing meetings with clear agendas, tracking action items for accountability, and improving meetings over time through feedback. This can transform meetings from time-consuming obligations into productive and engaging discussions, directly impacting our decision-making, project execution, and overall team performance positively.
    Sebastian Karges
    Thank you Yen-Ting, glad to see it provides value to you!
    Nghi Lê
    Nghi Lê
    1 review
    Love Leapsome performance analytics and how easy the platform is to use.