Lasso Moderation

Lasso Moderation

AI Content Moderation tooling out of the box
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5 Reviews
Sebastien Westerduin

Founder & Leadership

1 review
We have been using Lasso now for the last couple of months and it helped us a lot with keeping the festival communities safe and clean. It's great to work with @rgmvisser and the Lasso team! Congrats on the launch!
Jasper van Heijst
1 review
Lasso seems like a very promising and complete tool for content moderation. In a time where taking responsibility as a platform for its content becomes more important, I think this is a great step forward by making it easier for platforms to take this responsibility. I also really like the UI, its clear and simple. Good luck with the launch!
Matthew Rudin
Building TIL. Prev IG/FB growth, Penn 16
1 review
Absolutely thrilled to see Lasso Moderation launching! 🎉🙌 My startup, Til (, is about to launch more social community features–user generated content, chat, private messaging–on top of already existing video chat and recording features. I love the out-of-the-box speed Lasso gives plus customizations via the business rules. Very smart to be using AI for moderation, the legacy players are far behind on this and have built clunky products not adaptable to the needs of startups. Originally we were going to spend 1 month+ building super basic controls into Retool, but having a fast purpose-built tool like Lasso saves us time and gives us peace of mind that the social aspects of our community will be safe on day 1. Really excited to try this out. Congrats @rgmvisser on building something companies desperately need to keep users safe! Also in case it helps, one use case I'd love to see–right now we have large video storage costs from storing live class recordings in the event a user complains about their experience in the class. It'd be cool if we can pass these recordings directly into Lasso, analyze it ("was their anything bad that happened here"), and then have Lasso hit an API based on that analysis to either delete the recording, notify our team to take action, block a user, etc. The more and more we can customize with easy drag and drop flows or API connectors, the faster we'll be able to move to build something people love while keeping them safe. Keep it up!
Morgan Howell
1 review
I'm very impressed with the clean, responsive UI and from my initial testing this actually works REALLY WELL... End to end, this is certainly world class. Awesome work @rgmvisser!
Lars Tijhuis
1 review
Gratz on the launch Ruud! Impressive what you have been able to put together in such a short amount of time. The demos and the road ahead look really exciting!