What do people think of JustWatch?
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3/5All time (1 review)
Recently (0 reviews)1 Review
Overall, it is a pretty good app, but it could use some improvement in the UI and recommendation features.
1 - Very helpful to find which service a movie/show is streaming (better than Google/IMdB)
2 - Simple to use for tracking watched and want-to-watch movies/tv
3 - Convenient feature of streaming directly from the app (redirect to the streaming service)
CONS (3):
1 - Some features/tabs have very poor UI. The "New" layout is awful. Also, the default setting isn't for "New Releases". It shows all content new to a particular streaming service - you must manually change the "Release Year" filter to the current year to view "New Releases".
2 - Recommendations are VERY limited. Only recommends 5-10 movies/series.
3- Many of the categories on the home page are irrelevant and/or don't appeal to me.
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