The powerful insights that are generated by Habit Story are so impactful! This isn't your typical assessment and gives unique, data-driven analytics that are immediately actionable. I love their mission to help people discover their unique abilities and identify derailers so they can stay the course.
I don't know much about the inner-workings of AI, What I DO know is that when I took the assessment, I learned a lot about myself and how I work. Things to look out for, things to strive for. This is a really cool product with a ton of potential.
This tool brings together the very best psychometrics and machine intelligence into one practical and useful format. Great design, unbelievable predictive assessment. A must for finding the talent needle in the psychometric haystack.
I can personally testify to the efficacy of this product. The self-awareness granted via scientific approach is powerful on multiple levels. Revealing blind spots is useful but Habit Story also offers visibility into inherent strengths based on natural wiring. You are already capable; Habit Story enables you to exploit that potential! What a brilliant step towards genuinely authentic professional advancement 🎉
Being able to assess what you are actually DOING is a key to success. The habit story process helps you to focus in on those behaviors that drive results.
Habit Story has amazing analytics that go beyond "Here's what I'm good at." That's what I love about it. You can actually figure out if (and how) certain habits are serving you or if/when they're holding you back. Go beyond reading about habits and their importance and finally LEARN and CHANGE your own.
Habit story is like a mirror for your subconscious. This product allows helps you think about what you do without thinking.
I could see this assessment doing well in the corporate world - helping driven people find their blind spots and promoting general self-awareness.
I took the habit story test over the weekend and am shocked by its accuracy. I've been overly curious about habits I must correct, which gives me a good foundation to move forward.