The overall design of the website is good and pretty straightforward, but there's a very limited collection.
When I click on the unhappy mood, it makes me listen to unhappy songs. I think it should be the opposite, because they asked, "how are you feeling today? '' instead of "what do I want to listen to?". If I'm a writer and I chose to write about something sad, then I would choose unhappy. But if I'm feeling sad, I would want to listen to happy songs rather than unhappy songs. Hopefully they will think about this.
I would like for them to add more individual tracks than a single track which goes for an hour or more. Some people would not want to listen to the music in the same track order and prefer to shuffle the tracks.
The collection of tracks are very generic from a writer's perspective; they would expect something more to connect with their inner feelings. It's a good attempt, hopefully they make it better in the coming days.