----------Aug 21, 2023 Update ----------
UI issues have been fixed over the last week, and the developer seems to respond in a timely manner. At the very least, there appears to be passion for this product.
This esign solution appears to focus on a dynamic variable design, which looks for keywords/brackets on a PDF and autofills in information. Unfortunately, at this time there doesn't seem to be a more traditional option of designating specifically where one should sign and/or other input boxes (which I believe is a must have in many types of businesses).
At the very least, after experimenting with this a bit more, the product is simple and polished for what it offers. I would recommend looking into it for business startups, especially if you are equipped to handle newer forms of contracts.
---------- ORIGINAL REVIEW ----------
Buggy, unfinished, and awkward. Not sure what is 2.0 about this service, but it's a bad sign when the UI is cut off before even uploading a document. In addition, there was no option to place where signatures were supposed to go (or any other info for that matter) - it simply asked the other user to sign, and then added an addendum to the pdf document with the signatures.
It "works". Just not good enough to actually use in any sort of business environment.