Drip Scripts

Drip Scripts

Create automated email sequences in 60 seconds
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What do people think of Drip Scripts?

The community submitted 6 reviews to tell us what they like about Drip Scripts, what Drip Scripts can do better, and more.
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6 Reviews
Tagora Technologies, INC
A trailblazer, fueled to win
5 reviews
jesus this guy is good, maaaaaan
Jorge Rios O.
I am a lawyer from Colombia
3 reviews
Easy and fast to use!
Beth Fiedler
Happy Entrepreneur w a few PH products 🙌
37 reviews
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Review of Drip Scripts

Appreciate the efforts spent in mapping out the squence including confirmation and follow-up. Well done!

Elle Martinez
Creator/Podcast Host, Couple Money
2 reviews
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Review of Drip Scripts

For me, this was a HUGE help! It gave me the structure I needed so I could customize emails for my audience's needs.

Amanda J.D.
Owner, Stampin Nut with Amanda
1 review
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Review of Drip Scripts
Anil Agrawal
23 reviews
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Review of Drip Scripts