Cloud CMS & Cloud Backend by AppDrag

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What do people think of Cloud CMS & Cloud Backend by AppDrag?

The community submitted 26 reviews to tell us what they like about Cloud CMS & Cloud Backend by AppDrag, what Cloud CMS & Cloud Backend by AppDrag can do better, and more.
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4.8/5All time (1 review)
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26 Reviews
Steven Betito
business developer !
2 reviews
Review of Lead Finder

I have used this tool to try it and it's working really fast. i love it.

Amazing service for free !

Agnès Mazureck
Designer at Avasten Ltd
3 reviews
Recommended this product

I'm using AppDrag every day since a year now and i really believe it is the best CMS on the market

I was used to work with wordpress, i discovered the product and now my working life is a lot easier thanks to you Guys!!!!

Elie Samama
1 review
Recommended this product

im using appdrag since one year for several customers and its amazing i never look back to WP

Andre van Tralala
Business Systems Analyst
1 review
Recommended this product

I use Appdrag for a year and I cannot build a website without it now!

Kieran Conlon
1 review
Recommended this product

MUCH cheaper and faster than the hard WordPress slog we're used to! No maintenance, so sites are always up to date. Really cool.

Adam Nerel
1 review
Recommended this product

Great interface, super easy to drag and drop.

Michel JBC
1 review
Recommended this product

This looks amazing, great work!

Agence Web-Marketing, Appalga, Bordeaux
1 review
Recommended this product

En tant qu'agence web-marketing, nous avons différents profils : des informaticiens et des marketeurs. La facilité d'utilisation d'AppDrag nous permet de tous pouvoir travailler et de mettre en forme nos idées. En plus, nous pouvons créer des sites vitrines comme des sites marchants avec une interface back importante. Bref un super outil!

Jordan Fresco
Payment Consultant / Open-Banking
1 review
Recommended this product

The builder is particularly impressive and I'm immediately going to try more of this CMS.

Evan McDaniel
Director of Software Development
4 reviews
Does not recommend this product
Review of Lead Finder

I tried 3 Find an Email submissions. Two times it never returned a response - just kept spinning.

The one time it returned a response I got 8 "verified" emails, 7 of which were not valid (i tried with my name and company so I know).
