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  • Capacities


    A studio for your mind
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    What do people think of Capacities?

    The community submitted 123 reviews to tell us what they like about Capacities, what Capacities can do better, and more.
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    4.9/5All time (123 reviews)
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    123 Reviews
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    7 reviews
    same as Notion but more user-friendly
    Have been using and following capacities for a while now, and I am always amazed on how many cool features and things Michael and Steffen ship all the time. Can only recommend to everyone, to at least check capacities out.
    Sam Rye
    Sam Rye
    Practitioner of Social & Enviro Regen
    16 reviews
    Really like capacities
    Interested in note taking apps
    2 reviews
    This app is going places. I’ll be using it for all my PKM needs. Great stuff.
    Olaf Willoughby
    Photographer & Writer
    4 reviews
    Excellent product, customisable for all kinds of productivity + personal use cases, very responsive developers. My go to solution for all my information storage, task & project management needs. Highly recommended.
    Michele Bugiolacchio
    The man with many hats.
    8 reviews
    moved to capacities a while back, and it's one of the most promising tools in the space, it is already working great and I look forward to its growth!
    Daniel Stöltzner
    Love Software
    3 reviews
    Great App! I really like the object based note taking! 🤩 Using it since some weeks and really looking forward to the integration of Task Management P.S. please consider Superlist for task integration 🤞🏻
    Trevor Hall
    Hello, I’m Trevor.
    2 reviews
    Capacities offers a potent and user-friendly experience. I was unaware of the advantages of its unique "object-based" approach to note-taking until I tried it myself. Now, I no longer struggle to remember where I stored those seldom-accessed notes. This app has significantly enhanced my ability to intuitively arrange and format my notes. Moreover, thanks to its adaptable nature, Capacities serves as both my personal knowledge management (PKM) tool and personal CRM solution.
    CMK Hill
    CMK Hill
    Writer --> SEO Python --.> developer
    3 reviews
    A terrific PKMS tool and a great group of devs that are always working on the next big implementation. One of the only tools in this set that is geared towards the individual and isn't constantly trying to get you to sign up your teammates at work, etc. Oh, and it's also beautiful. Highly Recommended!
    Bard Papegaaij
    I reduce unnecessary suffering.
    3 reviews
    A beautifully crafted, object-based note-taking and PKM tool that has become my goto place for taking notes, planning meetings and organising my thoughts for the various writing projects I am working on.