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  • Bookmarker


    Minimalistic Bookmark Manager
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    What do people think of Bookmarker?

    The community submitted 14 reviews to tell us what they like about Bookmarker, what Bookmarker can do better, and more.
    What do you think about Bookmarker?
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    4.9/5All time (14 reviews)
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    14 Reviews
    Great experience and definitely useful that are user friendly i found.
    Billy Congo
    I review movies and TV shows.
    20 reviews
    It's a pretty new product, so I'd say give it some time and we'll see how it develops. It's not quite as good as booky.io, but that one's been around for a while. I definitely like the minimalist design. Unfortunately, the design of ProductHunt doesn't allow me to directly reply to your reply, so I'll add my reply to my review. Both booky and bookmarker have the bookmarklet, but booky.io has much greater flexibility in terms of where you want to file the bookmark. There's also a browser extension for it. You can easily create new categories and/or new pages. But as I said, booky.io has been around for a while, so it's had time to develop these features.
    Based on your feedback, many changes have been made. It is much easier to choose a location once the bookmark is created have the user now the option to choose a location. The extension is also ready to launch 😀 soon the browser extension will be launched together with the final version of Bookmarker 1.0 with many new funky features and customizations, hope you enjoy 🙃
    Ashu S.
    Ashu S.

    Founder & Leadership at Equibre Private Limited

    1 review
    The application helps me to keep focused on my projects, i just needed to click a icon and i got my workspace back. It's easy to use and simple that makes it great.
    amit sharma
    1 review
    Overall good product. If used effectively it will be great for time saving and one can keep track of various websites at one placd
    Salvador Dali
    1 review
    Skander Zoghlami
    Mobile Developer and Data Scientist.
    1 review
    Easy to use tool
    noureddine ettouzany
    1 review
    I have recently started using Bookmarker as my go-to bookmark manager and have been thoroughly pleased with it. It has a sleek and uncluttered design, making it easy to use and navigate. One of the standout features of this tool is its cross-device compatibility.
    Malgorzata Kochanowska
    SEO Specialist
    8 reviews
    Great, made my thesis writing very easy.
    Beta Hub
    Beta Hub
    1 review
    I’ve been looking for something like this for a long time!
    I was also looking for something like this for so long time - that the story behind Bookmarker.me
    Aza Ahmed
    Aza Ahmed
    social media marketer
    16 reviews