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    What do people think of BIGVU?

    The community submitted 40 reviews to tell us what they like about BIGVU, what BIGVU can do better, and more.
    What do you think about BIGVU?
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    4.9/5All time (15 reviews)
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    40 Reviews
    Frank Spillers

    Founder & Leadership

    1 review
    Very helpful!! I am launching a coaching process and trying this out for the first time to embed the video on my landing page. So much better than an off-the-cuff video where when you don't miss any important points.
    Yuan Xie
    Yuan Xie

    Data & Analytics

    2 reviews
    Well done on the product launch! This is an excellent offering that has the potential to revolutionize the world of investing.
    Anmerie Gonzales
    Just another entrapanuer
    4 reviews
    This is truly amazing what a clever idea ! bI highly recommend BIGVU . Im using it with ChatGPT and Google Appscript.
    Judy MacDonald (Sweet Success Lifestyle)
    Food therapist, health coach
    1 review
    Bigvu teleprompter’s easy-to-use interface makes creating videos easy. With just a few clicks of the mouse, I can create professional-looking videos without needing any extra experience or knowledge of video editing software. It's a perfect business tool for beginners like myself. Using Bigvu means I spend less time on creating videos which frees up more time for me to take care of other aspects of my business
    Larry Hartman

    Founder & Leadership at PixelFree Studio

    20 reviews
    An extremely useful tool for anyone in the online presentation space
    Daniel Zaitzow


    176 reviews
    Congrats on the launch!!! I can see a huge market / use case for this product as the creator economy stars to grow (even more). Curious what the plan might be for rev generation?
    Michael Lindner
    Tech Support for small business
    1 review
    Great Product
    Oida Industries
    Digital Marketing Consultant
    2 reviews
    I love BigVu. They are constantly adding value with regular contributors in their community and regular updates to the platform.
    Philip Barnett
    Real Estate Agent and entrepreneur.
    1 review
    I am new to bigvu. So far my experience has been A+. The fact that they offer training and webinars is very helpful as I start to utilize their tools in my marketing.
    Wade Wright
    Real Estate Wealth Consultant and Broker
    1 review
    Very professional. They have excellent guests, who provide great value and present the material for ease of retention.