A very cool app if you want to make phone calls with instant translation. I used it with my father’s caregiver that come from sri lanka.
When you make a phonecall with the app you say a sentence and then the app translates it . The other person hears what you say and then hears the translation. It works best if you have some knowledge of the translated language so you can get a feeling of the quality of the translation. It’s not 100% ok but usually enough to understand. It’s quite fast, you don’t have to wait too much for the translation.
During the call you can see a transcription in a chat format so you can understand even better what was said. After you end the call you get a video recording and the chat so you can save or share it. I sent the call recording to the caregiver and he realy liked it. He knows some english but sometimes can’t understand me, we sometimes use a dictionary or google translate but it’s not realy comfortable.
Unfortunatelt it’s not for free.. but you do get some time to experiment free of charge