The first time I used Artboard, 4 years ago, it was a pretty basic mock-up tool. I thought it was pretty cool though, it allowed me (as a developer) to create pretty good looking mock-ups fast. So I bought a lifetime account.
A friend of mine (that work as a web designer with a focus on banners, landing pages, campaigns, ads etc.) wondered what I would do with “that toy”.
He haven’t seen Artboard since then, until I showed him a couple of days ago. This time he didn’t call Artboard a “toy”.
Instead, he was jealous of my lifetime account and was very impressed with the things I (still a dev) was able to create.
It’s been a pleasure to follow along and see Artboard grow into such a powerful tool.
Great work Mucahit and everyone that’s been involved during the development! 👍🙂