The first experience of Ansy was great, the idea that I can have a bot to answer questions of my community is just awesome. This has helped us in increasing engagement in our community since now people just ask questions to Ansy and we don't need to be there to answer it all the time.
Very intuitive and fun to chat with. I can only imagine the possibilities with it in the upcoming months. Ansy will be so much powerful if feeded more data like cricket, math and movies.
Thank you!
Our team pulled it off at the launch. It's certainly something we should keep alive. It's brining a lot of joy in a community when things get boring :)
@Ansy Bot is actually great. It gives fast responses and covering broad areas of interest. I strongly believe we can directly ask @Ansy which saves time & provides us with relevant info rather than searching on internet and filtering out relevant info from it by ourselves.
Ansy allows for round the clock community engagement through helpful responses to frequently asked questions. Must have tool for folks managing growing communities.