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    What do people think of AliveShoes?

    The community submitted 38 reviews to tell us what they like about AliveShoes, what AliveShoes can do better, and more.
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    3.4/5All time (3 reviews)
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    38 Reviews
    Ntsiki Mdleiks
    I'm a blogger and reviewer
    1 review
    I have to say, Alive shoe is a scam. Their service and products are very bad and overpriced. I bought a PhumaKim pushin and have't seen anything as bad as that shoe for that price in my life. They brag about Italian made and the shoe looked like they were done in my back door. When I complained and wanted to return them, they ignore my emails and said they didn't see anything wrong with the shoe and did not care that I am unhappy. It has been over a month trying to figure out how to return the shoes and get my money back. No response. I have been scammed from them as I am sitting with a 152 Dollars pair of shoes that is bad produced and I wouldn't even buy for 10 Dollars. I want to return the shoes and get a refund. Or is it because I'm from Africa and they think we are stupid?
    Amanda R.
    Amanda R.
    2 reviews
    I paid for the pro account, figured it was worth it and I have no regret :) I know this might be a bit high rate in some of others people opinion, I would give it a 5 stars otherwise but I have not place any order yet, however, I am planning to and very excite about it. I decided to leave this review based on my personal experience, I am quite new to their company, but I must say that I am quite pleased with the service and the platform that available to me from this company. I have some pending questions which is no big deal, I am sure I will have the answer that I am looking for, I won number of award from their team already which was an honoured. I do have idea how I would promote this, I also recently just found out that I can order a sample product from them. I do have my own marketing plans and circle of networking people so I am sure that I will be ok. I feel that the fact that I only have to order some small quantity to start and so they will start a mass production, its a fair business deal. I must say that yes maybe the compensation to us could be higher because we also have our own cost, however, I cannot imagine what type of start up I must have in order to start this on my own. I deal with Marco and Lisa during my tech issues and both are fantastic to deal with and I couldn't be more grateful for their fantastic support, very prompt reply. I also feel that as us individual, we can easily expand our vision and creativity through their company, we can all create our support 'Alive Shoes Indie Designers' so we can help one another. Quality of the products for sure, I must agree that it will be my mandate as well because my name is gonna be with that shoes! - I am looking forward to place my order with them and growing my own shoe designs, thank you Marco and Lisa for helping with the tech matter, back now and will be designing more shoes :) For those of you who wish to join them, honestly this is your own call, read review, do research, have strong network of support, love art and creativity, have an entrepreneur mind set, have some financial ground for start up and be wise about which one to invest first, have a good marketing and business plans, you can do it, good luck all and best wish.
    Tiffany Wingo
    1 review
    Exceptional service including the pro edition
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    Review of AliveShoes
    I signed up and paid all fees to get my design rolling, trust me I did read the reviews. I am noticing lot of disappointments and some good reviews. Nonetheless, you have to have a passion and drive to make this work. If you are a egomaniac, bitter and negative person, you won't succeed with Alive shoes. Nothing in life is free, you have to put a little hustle in your game. The amount of time spent griping and complaining, could be spent investing and marketing your brand. Sorry you all experience a bad investment, but I believe I am in this for the long haul.
    Karen Dickey
    1 review
    Does not recommend this product
    Review of AliveShoes
    They don’t deliver product. Lie about when it was shipped. Don’t give a rat’s ass about reviews or customers. Over 2 months no delivery, use COVID-19 as excuse. The new I am made in China and can do what I want with ur order excuse and just don’t care. Avoid them.
    Virgil N Tina
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    Review of AliveShoes


    1 review
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    Review of AliveShoes
    I have read some of the comments about alive shoes. Now my input on this company. they gave me a chance to express my creative in shoe designs. Now Yes I feel that the way we get paid it wrong. Because if a shoe costs 300 we should get at lease a 100.00 for it And the logo I do not like the way the are they should be inside the shoe. But other than that I love them. I love the staff I have never had a bad problem with them at all. But you have to look at it this way its free I mean come on if we had to take the money out of our pockets to pay for this stuff we could not do it. I am very grateful. For this company.
    Jaye Rich
    Jaye Rich
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    Review of AliveShoes

    I love aliveshoes

    Andrew Goldsmith
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    Review of AliveShoes
    Atilla Olgun
    1 review
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    Review of AliveShoes
    Signed up for a Pro Account and submitted my design. Won the Staff Award for the design which means one shoe is FREE (downside is I still have to pay $45 for shipping to Australia). The AliveShoes Team have been in touch via email three times which is good. Look, the design and launch are the easiest part of this journey; when it comes to marketing that's where effort, patience and intelligence is required. It's a Chicken and Egg problem - people buy branded products when they know it's popular and selling. So your job as the designer / entrepreneur is to find a way to convince / incentivise people to make the initial purchase to get the ball rolling. I've made a 20sec video for social media -> since our launch will be tomorrow or next week, I'm holding onto my $49 for buying my customised video. We also plan to focus on Instagram and Tik Tok. In the meantime, check our SPADES Sneakers and let me know what you think :) https://www.aliveshoes.com/spades-44