Manually verified curated list of 100+ ( and expanding... ) lifetime deals and highly discounted Black Friday deals on unique SaaS tools, WordPress tools, software products and other digital products. And yes. It's in the popular Linkbox form so that you can go through such a huge list within 2 minutes. :)
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The Linkbox 2019
🔎 Presenting you the most time efficient way to explore 150+ amazing startup deals in just 2 minutes. 🤩 ⏰
🎉🎉 We are showcasing all the latest deals on a single super fast and responsive web page called 'The Linkbox' 🎉🎉
A frequently updated single page of carefully curated deals for Startups and Indiehackers.
These deals are mostly on the SaaS tools, design bundles, WordPress stuff, software products and other digital products.