

Better Notion to PDF export. For free.
1 review

What is PDFtion?

Here's the deal. The default Notion export to PDF is kind of ugly. It shows the properties table, text is huge, there's the scaling thing but doesn't really work that well. It's a mess. This is a better Notion to PDF than Notion's own. And it's free. Fully customize your PDF output with live preview.

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PDFtion Better Notion to PDF export. For free.

Launched on September 12th, 2023

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5/5 based on 1 review


Fredrik Schweinebarth
1 review
This is a great workaround for Notion's native PDF support. As a newcomer to Notion, I recently discovered its PDF limitations. In the past, we used Confluence with the Scroll PDF exporter to customize our exports. I'm not entirely comfortable with the need to publish all documents just to generate a PDF. I'd prefer a more integrated solution. I'm not sure if Notion allows third-party integrations, but I would definitely consider purchasing this as an add-on.