Non Fungible Program

Non Fungible Program

The first collaborative NFT program!
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What is Non Fungible Program?
Non Fungible Program is a new NFT project that brings collaboration to the NFT world. Holders can combine their token with others and build the best software together to get more value from them. Young project, big opportunities.
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Build, deploy, and scale your apps with unparalleled ease.

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Non Fungible Program | NFT Whitelist
Non Fungible Program is an NFT project that pays people while they are coding for any open-sourced projects.

Every NFT can be linked to one or many Github accounts.

Developers and Holder earn crypto coins for every commit.

Non Fungible Program | NFT Whitelist image
Non Fungible Program
Non Fungible Program is a new NFT project that brings collaboration to the NFT world.

Holders can combine their token with others and build the best software together to get more value from them.

Young project, big opportunities.
Non Fungible Program image