Namefruits AI finds the right name for your startup, from creation to checking your favourite names for free domains, trademarks, and quality, sound and usability. Even if you don't know the direction you want to go with your business name: Namefruits will find out for you.
From what I can see on the website, there isn't much return in value for paying that amount of money. Although the idea is good, I would like to see a free package with limited options, maybe also different tier levels of packages. Something that I have to point out is that Naming a product / project or anything today requires you more or less to have a presence on the Internet. I don't see domain name availability or suggestions. So what if all the names it suggests aren't available on the most popular TLDs?
I would need more convincing to give out that much money for an "AI" to suggest names. I believe there are better ways to find great names for your own products.