Linkgage is a tool that allow users to promote their products, services, events or anything by adding a branded Call-To-Action to the links they share. Everyone who clicks your link will see the content & your call-to-actions. Links are also tracked so you can see all the views & clicks your content gets.
Easily add people into your retargeting audience and your funnel simply by adding Re-targeting Pixels from Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin, Google Adwords to the link you share.
PS: We are giving away 20 Lifetime Licenses for our PRO Plan to ProductHunters at $129.
Wanted to test it against sniply. Signed up for a free trial. Anything I wanted to test was stopped by a window saying I had to upgrade to do that. Then wanted to cancel the account so not to be bothered with mails the next weeks, but nowhere to cancel. The settings option was inactive, and "my account" only allwoed me to upgrade to the paid version. Waste of time!!!