Gdocs to Wordpress (free)

Gdocs to Wordpress (free)

Copy paste a google doc into a clean wordpress post
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What is Gdocs to Wordpress (free)?
This plugin is a Wordpress markup cleaner. It strips the HTML resulting from a google docs copy paste from all the unnecessary tags and styles added by wordpress It also comes with a few options for proper link tag management
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GDocs to Wordpress
This plugin is a Wordpress markup cleaner.

It strips the HTML resulting from a google docs copy paste from all the unnecessary tags and styles added by wordpress

It also comes with a few options for proper link tag management
GDocs to Wordpress image
Keyword cannibalization checker
The Meta Blog's keyword cannibalization checker takes in your GSC data, and spits out a list of keywords with probable cannibalization issues.

It's free, and it helps identify SEO opportunities to investigate easily and for free
Keyword cannibalization checker image