Game Quitters 🎮🚫 is the largest online support community for video game addiction, with members in 95 countries.
Learn how to finally quit gaming and turn your life around with hundreds of resources, inspiring stories, free tools, and community support. You are not alone. 🧡
Cam himself is a gaming addict so he knows how it wastes time which can be used to do something productive. Best thing about GQ is it has helped lots of people recover from Gaming Addiction. Great work Cam 🙌
To some of us, games are a nightmare. There are people who enjoy drinking as well there are alcoholics. Those of us who are 'gameaholics' the only way to live a normal and fulfilling live is to admit our handicaps and quit gaming for good. This is the only resource I've known that addresses the core reasons of our problems and provides effective solutions.
One of the hobby suggestions to do something other than gaming was to learn a new language, unfortunately the site suggested (Duolingo) is very triggering as it has game- like Rewards on it
This is a great resource for helping yourself or loved ones who are dealing with Video Game addictions. It addresses the problem and gives suggestions on what to do with that newly freed up time and how to deal with cravings. There is information for parents with how to deal with a child that has this problem as well.