Chart Your Music

Keep track of the music you love over time
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What is Chart Your Music?
With Chart Your Music you will be able to create your own collections of music charts (e.g. for your favourite albums in 2020, or your favourite songs this year). So you can keep track of the music you love... over time...
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Recent launches

Chart Your Music
This app is for music lovers that need more than the seasonal 'what did I listen to' lists of Apple Music and Spotify. Be in control of your own charts, not solely determined by (accidental) listening behaviour but carefully curated by you!
Chart Your Music image
Chart Your Music
With Chart Your Music you will be able to create your own collections of music charts (e.g. for your favourite albums in 2020, or your favourite songs this year). So you can keep track of the music you love... over time...
Chart Your Music image
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