Launched on May 15th, 2018
BRD (most will know it by its former name, Bread Wallet) is a long-trusted bitcoin wallet that has made its name around being one of the most secure ways to store bitcoin. In the past year or so, they've also added support for ETH and BCH. Now with BRD 3.0, they've enabled ERC20 token trading: Send, receive, and buy 100+ of the most popular tokens.
I like this SPV wallet, mostly because it is connecting directly to Bitcoin nodes from my iPhone, instead of relying on another protocol (ex HTTP) to retrieve the headers. I hope this will be implemented also for Ethereum (is it yet?)
Disclosure, I am CTO of this company. I've stored bitcoin on BRD (previously Bread) for years and never had an issue. We have really good support, so if anyone is having issues we typically respond within an hour or so.