Kevin William David

Notebook for Mac - The beautifully simple note-taking app from Zoho. Now on Mac

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Steven H
love the app .. just the icon design is a real deal breaker for me..
@shtooova Icon design not a deal breaker for me but it's definitely an average design
christopher lake
@shtooova deal breaker!? Lol
Keira Bui
@shtooova "icon design"? dealbreaker? lolol
Heidi Helen Pilypas
@shtooova I recently downloaded the app for my Apple Watch so I could take a note on my watch, and it's also on the phone. I found the app really beautiful on the inside, and I also found the icon rather average for such a beautiful app on the inside.
Kevin William David
Notebook for Mac is a native note-taking application that lets you take text and audio notes, create checklists, and add photos. Notebook stands out with its dedicated note cards, which give you pre-formatted templates. At the same time, text cards are flexible enough to add all of the above into one note. Also, Notebook provides lots of customization options. You're given about two dozen hand-drawn notebook covers to choose from, as well as the option to create your own. You can color coordinate notes, again, by using default colors or creating your own. Notebook's use of gestures add a nice touch. You can navigate the entire app with gestures alone; if you have a trackpad you never have to click. For example, you can hover over a notebook or note and pinch to open and close notes and notebooks; or, with two finger swipe, you can see more information, lock, or delete a note or notebook. Lastly, Notebook for Mac uses Touch Bar throughout the app as contextual shortcuts. You can create notes, notebooks, change notebook covers, note colors and more, all from the Touch Bar.
Dragan Babić
I've tried out the iOS version a couple of months ago, and I thought it was a decent Evernote alternative. However, now that there's a desktop version as well, I'm interested in its exporting capabilities and am hoping it can do a sensible export to an open format I can import into another tool at least. I've just finished moving away from Evernote and I am not interested in getting stuck in a walled garden again.
Taylor Backman
@draganbabic I work on the Notebook team. We have a migration tool in beta right now. You're welcome to try it out if you'd like.
Jørn Haanæs
@taylorbackman @draganbabic Nice app! Same issue for me, I'd like to import all my existing notes. I use Apple Notes, would I then export those over to Evernote and use your migration tool or is there another workaround you'd recommend?
Gabriel Lewis
Wow I love the look. Very elegant and clean. I love how it is already accessible across all devices. I would recommend this to anyone switching from Evernote.
I would kill for: - a markdown feature - selective screenshot taking with the chrome extension
@qewler @taylorbackman supporting markdown (& the hiding of the formatting bar) would be awesome. Would also be great to have the text editor full-screen rather than a pop-up view on top of the notebook view.
Taylor Backman
@skoerbitz @qewler Sorry for the late response. Thanks for your feedback. We'll look into these things. =]
Andreas Duess
This seems to get hunted every couple of weeks. I find the design, and the dedicated card idea, incredibly fussy and overly complex. There is no need for 80% of the features that are offered - you have to make a bunch of decisions before you get to the actual note taking. It's really counter productive. Evernote have just released a much improved app design, Bear is also a very decent alternative that strives for simplicity. Zoho, for me, has always be an also-run and this app is a prime example of why that's the case.
Ibrahim Alomary
@andreasduess To my knowledge this is the first Mac version and it just released. I've been waiting for it for so long. I have bear and evernote but this notebook wins in simplicity.. at least in my opinion.
@b2rhom @andreasduess Bear is nice for aesthetics however it's a bit far to subscribe just for the same syncing features as the basic Notes app provides. Although I love how they handle links in Bear, its just so clean!
Taylor Backman
@andreasduess Hey Andreas, I work on the Notebook team. If the dedicated note cards are tripping you up, you can always start by creating a Text Card. There you can mix and match note types as needed, which is similar to how Evernote does things. Thanks for trying out Notebook. We appreciate your feedback.
@andreasduess I also complained to zoho for the same reason during their android app launch.I think Zoho has given very high priority to fanciness rather than quality, features and EASE TO USE. Without tag, folder or stack features it will be nightmare to effectively use it after some months of average use.....
@taylorbackman @andreasduess I think People mainly navigate within a notebook most of the time during their single session rather than navigating between different notebook
Graham Gnall
Looks like keep but much slicker and more fluid. Finding that in browser tools (keep, inbox) just can't hang with responsiveness of UX. Nice job.
Rahul Singh
Evernote Killer for sure! Amazing work Team Zoho.
Resh Wallaja
Brilliant! I've always liked Zoho. Clearly the best Indian software company out there. Great work! guys Keep it up. PS: I love the design & execution! Winner!
@taylorbackman A lot of people use evernote because of its unparalleled OCR for just about anything you attach to a note. Do you guys have something similar planned?
Taylor Backman
@kilokilospm That's a great question. Evernote definitely has great OCR. We don't have this at the moment but we're definitely looking into it. To make Notebook a compelling product we know we need to add as much value to users as possible. For example, one thing we have on iOS is the ability to text search audio notes; the beginning of all of your audio notes taken on our Audio Card are converted to a transcript. I believe we're the only note-taking app that does this.
Mehmet Perk
Not syncing correctly with the app, it is dangerous if you take some important notes.
Taylor Backman
@mmt Thanks for mentioning this. Can you please let us know what's going by shooting an email to ? We'd really appreciate it.
This is really good, so simple, so minimal, so zen and yet so feature packed. 💯
André J
Love the simple design.
Arjun Paliath
Something I have been waiting for soo damn long :D :D
Very well done and detailed. Happy to see such a masterpiece of UI from #India
Ibrahim Alomary
FINALLY! Been waiting for this for so long! Loved the iOS version and now this looks awesome.
Douglas Evaristo
Tchau Evernote LoL
Highly disappointed after waiting for so long 1. People who frequently use note taking app need to navigate within a notebook or sometime between notebook continuously. Sadly Zoho has chosen cards ridiculously even in notes leave alone notebook that will make navigation very inefficient and time consuming. Cards would have been FINE in TABLET mode but not in desktop. I was expecting notebook list/widget on side with hiding option just like they have in new zoho desk. Then note folder and list in sidebar. This is where Microsoft onenote even beat evernote( Its notes navigation is very simple and efficient ) . I want to have notes visualization, notes list and notebook list SIMULTANEOUSLY. Sadly zoho NOTEBOOK looks more like an option for Microsoft word and to some extent google keep... 2. Notes organisation - Notebook uses cards feature even in notes list. I can't imagine my self how i will work after some month of average use. Zoho has list option but it doesn't uses space efficiently. Also i like to have some sub-folder hierarchy in my notebook organisation. Zoho is very limited here. Evernote does this by efficiently combining sidebar list, stack and TAG feature. I particularly VERY UNHAPPY about ABSENCE OF TAG FEATURE. it's just neccessity . REMEMBER the new BEAR note app work solely on the power of tag feature..... I will not complain about my huge list of features request at this point of time as it is Notebook first version.....But i like to know when it is launching web and desktop version.
David Simpson
Looks like a good free alternative to Evernote (which I ditched years ago). While the design is simple and straight-forward, i'm curious how the syncing is between devices.
My User
Excited to give this a try! Was waiting for a desktop version before I could fully switch to Notebook.