Kevin William David

Notebook for Windows - The beautifully simple note-taking app, now on Windows.


Notebook for Windows is a note-taking application that lets you take text notes, create checklists, add files and photos. Notebook is now available across all devices.

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Ashok Ramamoorthy
We are launching Notebook for Windows and we would love your feedback. Notebook for Windows is a note-taking application that lets you take text notes, create checklists, add files and photos. With this release, Notebook is now available across all devices. Notebook uses a unique "note card" concept that gives you formatted templates for the different type of notes you take. "Smart Cards" will intelligently format content you add to Notebook. For example, if you add a recipe to Notebook from a recipe site, like the New York Times Cooking or, the app automatically pulls a recipe photo and description, creates a checklist for ingredients, and provides step-by-step cooking instructions, all in one card. Notebook also continues to offer a bunch of customization options. If you don't like the two dozen or so notebook covers we give, simply drag an image from your desktop onto a notebook cover to change it. We also give you lots of colors to color code your notes, plus the option to create your own. Visit to know about Notebook for Windows.
Marina Tar

Love notebooks and making notes. Will check out this one. Looks so lovely and beautiful! Also like a 'smart card'


Design, smart card


Haven't noticed yet :)

Ryan Ovas
Is there a way to migrate notes from Google Keep?
Ashok Ramamoorthy
@ryanovasdesign @anna_0x Keep doesn't provide APIs to build a migration tool. As a workaround, you can tap on a note in Keep and export the same to add it in Notebook.
Presse Mohana Prasanna
@ryanovasdesign @anna_0x We have now provided an option to migrate from Google Keep. Please refer the following link for more details.
Any more insights on whats more coming up in Zoho Notebook.
Ashok Ramamoorthy
@mohan_kumar A variety of smart cards, OCR capabilties, Zia enhancements and much more are on the cards. And, did I mention that Notebook for Linux is soon to be launched 😉
Anna Filou
This sure took its sweet time 😉
Jitu Dabhi
This is really awesome. It will help me to keep my work on board.
Matthew John
This is a really good app. I have used the Android version, the web version, I even have the browser clipper installed on multiple browsers. You can take great basic notes. However, the only con I have found is that there is no support for any kind of code formatting or code snippets. In fact, not a lot of formatting period. You can not even paste a code snippet in without it losing its formatting. Deal breaker for me. I had to switch to a markdown based note app. I love the card concept, the way you can label all of the cards and then organize all of the cards and info, but as a web developer, not having a way to even paste in a simple code snippet to save for later, or an idea with a bit of code is just not going to work. Keep it up though.. This is a great app.
Ashok Ramamoorthy
@matthew_john4 Thanks for your appreciation. Let me tell you that we are working on supporting code snippets in text cards. Do watch us through our forums, where we'll announce the same once it is shipped.