Ben Lang

Zest 2.0 - High fidelity marketing content stream

Top Product

High fidelity marketing content stream, co-distilled by a tribe of marketers.

Zest makes sure you’re only receiving high-quality marketing content and

kills the information overload that’s wasting your time

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Yam Regev
Yo, fellow hunters :) We’re melted just from the idea that Zest is being hunted again. WOW! JUST WOW!! **Short and interesting** Zest is a high-fidelity marketing content stream, co-distilled by a tribe of marketers. Our mission is to make sure you receive only top quality marketing content and kill the information overload that’s wasting your time. Since Zest launched here last year, 17k WAU have joined us on Zest’s Chrome new tab extension. It felt natural for our next step to be making distilled professional knowledge accessible to everyone and on all devices and browsers. So now we are launching Zest’s Content Stream via web and mobile friendly sites. WOO HOO! **Longer and more interesting** We’ve really had enough of information overload, so we eventually began plotting ways to kill it. After investigating the issue a bit deeper, we realized information overload is here to stay. Bummer. We also realized that information overload wasn’t the real problem. The REAL problem was finding the way to filter and distill all that excess information into valuable knowledge. Let me ask you: How do you discover and consume the most valuable content for you? --- Maybe you save content on “read later” apps? Have you ever read everything in your read later collection? If not, you aren’t saving that relevant and actionable content for later but putting it in the content graveyard. --- Do you follow industry leaders on LinkedIn? Or maybe you like relevant pages on Facebook and create lists on Twitter? The algorithms of these centralized platforms are designed to grab your attention not discern the quality of the content. They give you the content they think you WANT-- not the content you NEED. --- Do you subscribe to a ton of blogs to keep on top of what is happening in marketing? Ask yourself: have you truly felt an improvement as a professional with these blogs flooding your inbox with articles every day? --- What about searching on Google? This is the classic needle in a haystack situation, right? Besides, in most cases, the articles you find are the ones from sites with the best SEO support. So, murderous thoughts aside, how did we solve the dual problem of information overload and lack of knowledge distillation? Zest combines the power of humans and technology to concentrate the best knowledge for our users. We created a multi-level, human-based content moderation process. Zest’s entire structure is comprised of volunteer-experts who distill the content that other members have suggested. Then, the machines take over over: Once distilled, the Zest engine tags each piece. New selections from the Zest tribe are continually being added and sorted by topic, creating a refreshing) continuous learning experience for our end users. +++++++++++ Thoughts and feelings are more than welcome <3 Yam Regev Co-Founder & CEO
@yam_regev Would be great to see a TLDR version of your comment for the time poor.
Yam Regev
@abadesi I added a **Short and interesting** section at the top. Saw it?
Mat Silva
@yam_regev @abadesi time poor 😂. I am stealing that.
Bambi Weavil
@yam_regev I love Zest and have made it my chrome tab but I don't get to check out all the articles as much as I should. The content is always amazing. If I could aggregate it where I can read it in a digest format or some other way, I'd love that too.
Yam Regev
@bambi_weavil Great feedback. You mean to save things for later and then consume them on the right time for you (for instance)? Or do you mean that we will choose the best X articles for you on a daily basis? Or both... ? =)
😎 Sam Hurley 😎

Since I was directed to Zest by a friend, I've never looked back. I'd say it is one of the best SaaS offerings since sliced bread — Not only because of the product itself (which has created a 'content movement' very rapidly), but also the very-human force behind it, and their ultra-vibrant brand.

*Everything* stands out about Zest and *nothing* falls short.

I give the product 10/10. Yam (co-founder) and the team? Beyond any score scale, on both a professional and personal level!!!


+ *ZERO* time wasted on clickbait headlines (followed by material that drastically falls short)

+ A valuable content distribution channel


- There is *SO MUCH* amazing content, you might end up becoming addicted to Zest (seriously)

Yam Regev
Couldn’t wish or think on a better feedback than that. Moreover, couldn’t wish or think on a better colleague, person and professional to call him my friend. Sam, you are one of a kind.
😎 Sam Hurley 😎
@yam_regev ^^^^ Your memorable words saved to my PC for a rainy day, Yam! <3 Thanks, friend!!! :)))))
Eithiriel DeMerè
Sam, thanks so much for your unending support. You've really made working at Zest to be even more amazing just by collaborating with you.
Michael Kawula
So agree bud. Super addictive and love their filters and ability to sort. I use it daily as does my team to find great content.
😎 Sam Hurley 😎
@nikkielizdemere Oh flippin' wowza, Nichole!!! I will treasure this forever! 😊💞😊 Only happy to be of service!!!!! 😊
David Stark

I have been using the Zest "New Tab" Chrome extension for about a month and at least once a day I check my feed for relevant articles. I find that I often discover content that is worth sharing with my team. It will become an even more integral part of my daily routine now that I can access on mobile.


Content that adds value as opposed to fluff


Keeping up with the articles, want to be able to save to read for later

Yam Regev
Noted, David. That's a really good and constructive feedback. Also happy to know it became part of your daily workflow. By itself, it means we on to something.
Eithiriel DeMerè
Hi David! Did you know that we have a "save to Zest profile" feature? It's beneath each article. Let me know if you can't find it and I'll tweet a screenshot. 😊
Massimo Chieruzzi
Great job @yam_regev Love Zest, it has quickly become my n. 1 source for marketing news + a great advertising channel!
Yam Regev
@massimocw I wish I could tag my mom on this comment, Massimo.
Eithiriel DeMerè
@massimocw We love that you're an active member of our community. 💛
Yair Kivaiko
Been using this since day one of the Chrome add-on. By far, the best tool for every marketer out there to keep up on what's important. Love it! 5 stars! Thumbs up!
Yam Regev
Eithiriel DeMerè
@kobaiko Amazing!! So happy you love Zest. 😊
Yaniv Goldenberg
I probably said it before but I’ll say it again . . . I use it constantly! @yam_regev, @idan_yalovich Thanks so much for all your hard work 🍋🤟
Yam Regev
@idan_yalovich @yanivgoldenberg Thanks for being part of our yellow journey. Much love!
Robert Nachum
I love your product and your story. I've been using Zest for a long time, and I can say that it's probably the best way to find content that's related to the marketing world. If you're a marketer, you have to try Zest.
Yam Regev
@robertnachum7 You got it right, brotha!!! <3

Had the privilege to try Zest 2.0 before it was launched and it worked perfectly. Those of you who appreciate high quality content and enjoy reading the best stuff out there will highly appreciate the content feed provided by Zest


The best place to find high quality content.

Very intuitive and simple to use.


No cons

Yam Regev
That's what we call "yellow wind in our sales". Good vibes
Eithiriel DeMerè
Thanks for your support and being a beta tester! 💛🍋
Roy Hermann Ueland
This has been my favorite product for the last few months! What an amazing team and excited for the launch 💪🏻💪🏻
Yam Regev
@roy_hermann_ueland WOOOHOOOO!!! Thanks Roy =)
Eithiriel DeMerè
@roy_hermann_ueland Thanks so much, Roy! What do you think so far? 💛
Vlad Calus
This is awesome, have been using Zest already for a few months!
Yam Regev
@vladcalus And we love you for that <3
Eithiriel DeMerè
@vladcalus That's so cool!! Do you have a favorite category on Zest? 😊
😎 Sam Hurley 😎
Just written you guys a well-deserved review + shared this — HUGE congrats on the distillery!!! The newest chapter in Zest's book of growth; can't wait to see what's next! :)))) A #1 product of 2017/2018, for me!!! Thanks for *everything* you do, @yam_regev & Team! :o)
Yam Regev
@sam___hurley i can’t express in words what I feel right now, Sam <3 Thanks for all your pure love and support. A true freind!
Corey Haines
Zest is by far my favorite place to get fantastic marketing content. I’ve been using it for over a year now and I can say it’s greatly helped in my professional development. If you’re a marketer in any industry, you’re missing out if you don’t have Zest bookmarked!
Eithiriel DeMerè
@corey_haines You're amazing, Corey! Thank you for the support. 💗
Yam Regev
@corey_haines Talking about "professional development", Corey? You probably know us the best, man. Exactly why we created Zest. Good on ya!
Wilco de Kreij
Been using Zest for a while now... and I'm absolutely loving it! My #1 place to find great content :)
Eithiriel DeMerè
@emarky That's so cool, Wilco! 💗 We love you too!
Yam Regev
@emarky Wilcoooooooo!!! So nice of you to stop by and drop this triple heartwarming comment, my friend. You totally made my day now <3
Sunil Neurgaonkar
Woot Woot!!!
Yam Regev
@sneurgaonkar Exactly what we said this morning!!
Eithiriel DeMerè
@sneurgaonkar Thanks for your support! 😎
Robert Nachum

I'm in love with the product and the team of Zest. Zest is a MUST for anyone who considers himself as a marker.


Zest is probably the best way to find the best marketing content on the web.



Eithiriel DeMerè
Thanks, Robert! So happy you're enjoying Zest. 💛🍋
Yam Regev
Robert, you are a doll!!! Thanks for staying with us for a such a long time, buddy.
Eytan Buchman
I've been a Zester for as long as I can remember (I have very poor memory, to be fair), and it's stuck out as the number one way I consume marketing information. It just works. And while I didn't think I would ever give up allll my new tab plugins, I did. And haven't looked back. @yam_regev, what's one thing you discovered about marketing to marketers that surprised you in the process?
Yam Regev
@eytanbuchman We love you sooooo much, Eytan! The most amazing thing we discovered is that marketers are so keen to help each other distill information overload to professional knowledge. It's blowing our mind on a daily basis, really.
Maria Toft

I’ve been using Zest for a while and absolutely love it! They've helped me do exactly as they promise to do: share and discover stellar high fidelity marketing content.

I’ve also been using Zest for to distribute our content with paid promotion. At Falcon we love Zest because:

* We can reach the right audience

* We can follow what our audience cares about

* We amplify our content reach

* The team at Zest is both a professional and fun partner to work with

I am excited to take Zest with me on the go with this mobile launch and to continue to see the growth of this great team. Keep up the good work!


* It is easy and quick to digest

* Quality content only

* Actionable and insightful industry tips

* Quickly filter by categories


No cons yet

Eithiriel DeMerè
This is so cool!! Thank you for sharing your use cases. That's super insightful for us.
Yam Regev
Best 'ground level' feedback, Maria. Love it as it's so authentic and real. Very helpful. Love working with you and the amazing team. You guys rock SO hard!!
Elad Levy

Loved it on Desktop, love it mobile too

Makes my daily commute much more enjoyable and meaningful


Great UX, Great content



Yam Regev
Thanks man <3
Eithiriel DeMerè
Thanks, Elad! We're definitely hoping to make commutes a lot more fun. 😊
Mark Pekel
Got a phone and no Zest mobile feed on it? For shame...
Yam Regev
Roy Hermann Ueland
This has been my favorite product for the last few months! What an amazing team and excited for the launch 💪🏻💪🏻
Eithiriel DeMerè
@roy_hermann_ueland So awesome to know that, Roy!! Happy to have you as a part of our community. 💛