ZeroDown - Easiest transition from renting to homeownership, $0 down
Pick any home for sale in the Bay Area, and ZeroDown will buy it with cash. You'll move into your ZeroDown Home fast and debt-free. You don't need a down payment. With each rent check, build up purchase-credits that can be used to buy the home later on.
Quantitative Home Buying Guide: Bay Area - A framework for deciding when/where/how to buy a home
We spend a lot of time thinking about the home buying process and assembling data to inform decisions. We've decided to share some of our analysis more broadly. There are 4 major sections: deal economics, schools, commuting, and quality of life.
Trick-or-Treat! Here's a House, ZeroDown - Find a sweet home that scores high for trick-or-treating
Trick or Treat! Now filter Bay Area homes by Trick or Treat score. We all know that buying a home is about more than the home itself — it's about the neighborhood vibes too. Use this to plan a *destination* Trick-or-Treating night or open house list.
Better Home Search by ZeroDown - Filter home search by natural light/yard size/commute/school
New home search engine from helps you cut your home-search time in half. With filters that all house hunters are looking for (especially parents and 🐶dog-owners). Natural lighting, big backyards, best commute times, school ranking, and more.