Kevin Rose

Zero v3.0 - Fasting made simple


We're the world's largest fasting community for iOS and Apple Watch. Version 3.0 is available now, completely redesigned to help you on your fasting journey.

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Francois Mathieu
One word: Android
Mike Maser
@francoismat @jeremykrantz we hear you, and Android is coming very soon! We are doing a beta so if you're interested follow us on Twitter and we'll add you to the beta when we launch it in a few weeks.
Francois Mathieu
@mike_maser awesome thanks
Mann Hing
@mike_maser App is super slick. Can't seem to load any resources in the learn tab - iphone 8. Any ideas?
Francois Mathieu
@mike_maser downloaded, thanks!
@jeremykrantz - I had installed the wrong app, and I have a suspicion I won't be the only one. There's a similarly-named, quite horrible app on the Play Store. The real one -- in the five minutes I've looked at it -- is quite polished. Very nice.
John Bunka
The design looks amazing but I will have to keep easting until the Android version comes out.
Mike Maser
@john_bunka we hear you, and it is coming very soon! We are doing a beta so if you're interested follow us on Twitter and we'll add you to the beta when we launch it in a few weeks.
Mike Maser
@john_bunka public Android beta just launched today!
Ghost Kitty
Comment Deleted
Mike Maser
@adamteece Android is coming very soon! We are doing a beta so if you're interested follow us on Twitter and we'll add you to the beta when we launch it in a few weeks. 🙏
@adamteece - Pay, while iOS is free? Crikey, don't give them ideas. :-)
Julie Chabin
Wow! I've been using Zero for a few weeks (doing 16:8) and I loved the simplicity of it. I just updated the app and I loved the little onboarding. Cute illustrations. New interface is looking great. I appreciate that it didn't erase my previous data 🔥
Mike Maser
@syswarren Thank you -- glad you're liking the new version!
Charles CH Mandel
Incredible app, been using for a couple of months. Yay, v3. Oh wait, it now requires an account. Sadly, uninstalled. Privacy and offline capable apps are possible, so do not switch from that model without warning users, this is very bad practice IMHO.
Aashay Mody
Love the update! I’m slowly and naturally slipping into 18:6 and 20:4 territory but I’m constantly told by those close to me that something is wrong with me. Would love to see some sort of community aspect to the app where we could chat with other fasters, share tips and learnings etc.
Nico Caramella
Any plans of an Android version anytime soon?
Mike Maser
@nicocaramella @cacarr Yes indeed! We're in the final stages of internal testing and will have a beta ready in the next few weeks, with public launch not long after that :)
Mike Maser
@nicocaramella good news! Android public beta is live as of today --
Tamal White

I've used Zero for over a year and I loved it as a quick fasting tracker. It was simple and worked well. Now 3.0 has landed and I cannot use the app anymore without signing up for an account. I don't want an account, I don't want to be email spammed (it's in the privacy policy), I don't want to be part of a fasting community. Zero was great because it was simple. Now it's not. The developers state they added the account because people would lose their data. It's an iOS app, use CloudKit. I'd much rather pay a few bucks for Zero than have this new monetized version that is using my data for marketing.


Good info, Apple Watch complication


Requires account now

Anders Kitson
I don't quite understand why nowadays you wouldn't release android as well as Ios for any app. I've had to pull up and old iPhone to use Kevin's other app Oak for meditation. But for this I'm not going to carry and old iPhone with me. Isn't it just common practice to develop in something like Ionic or something similar so you can push your app to IOS and Android with no issue. It seems very backwards to only develop for Ios.
Mike Maser
@anderskitson I hear you. We are a really small team and first had to evolve the old iOS experience, and now we are going to be focused on a great Android experience. As we grow we're going to be able to parallelize our development. Really appreciate you saying this.
Anders Kitson
@mike_maser Hey Thanks for getting back to me, glad to hear your moving towards pushing out to android as well. I guess I will just have to wait for now, but looking forward to Oak and Zero on android, as it sounds like a lot of others are too. There are only a few things I miss out on from leaving all apple products behind and that's Oak, Zero and iMessage.
Masoud Ardestani
Going to use this during Ramadan 😃
Jordan Jackson
fantastic. who ever did the user research and product design really did a good job!
Mike Maser
@jordan_jackson thank you for saying so. We had some help from the incredible folks at AJ Smart and @jicecream
I need to figure out how to *not* get PH notifications about Apple-only products.
Mike Maser
@cacarr happy to let you know we just launched an Android public beta!
Jason Heydasch
Beautiful app! I'd love it if there was a community aspect to it (e.g., be able to find local fasting groups, etc.).
Charles Magnuson
This app really needs to add a feature which allows me to start my fast at a past time. Most days, I do not remember to open Zero to record when I've taken my last bite of food. Several hours can pass before I remember to start the fast timer, which makes this app useless.
Brendon Rell
@magnuson Seeing a few comments about this on here. Zero has always allowed me to edit both the start and end times of a fast. I imagine it’s still in the updated version too. 👍🏻
Hayden Evans
Awesome update! One of the best iOS app updates I have seen in a long time!
Raphaël Chabaud
Heavy focus on iOS (the world has changed, look outside of SV/US for adoption rate...) No social features. I prefer life : Cross-platform and social.
Mike Maser
@raphchabaud we hope you'll try our just released Android public beta --
Vidal de Wit
That's a great App and time saver!
Ludo De Angelis
I love Zero and I love the ongoing development. I’ll echo what Julie says with the onboarding - thanks for building in keychain! Looking forward to using it more.
Anthony Young

Beautiful and functional app.


I have been using this for a while and the new release looks awesome


Little too early for any cons, but I didn't find any before so I doubt I will now

David Berkowitz
Fasting made simpler is not eating.