Gilles Barbier

Zenaton - Zapier for Developers: Control flows within Apps 10x faster

Zenaton makes it possible to build and run event-driven processes within the product journey in days instead of months.
ie. payment, booking, personalized communication sequences, ETL processes and more.
Now with 90+ APIs connectors.

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Gilles Barbier
Hi everyone We have been working relentlessly on Zenaton for 18 months now and are thrilled to be on Product Hunt today :) We’ve built Zenaton to make it easy to code and run control flows between APIs and your app. Zenaton empowers developers - or even just one developer - to quickly and iteratively code (and iterate on) ETL, in-product communications sequences, or in-house processes. For more than 10 years, I have watched countless teams of developers struggle to stay agile while building more and more complex products that require a lot of asynchronous interactions. Building modern software involves integrating multiple SaaS services, such as email/communications tools, payment services, and more. They allow us to build quickly by prototyping, iterating and reducing our development cycle. However, deeply integrating these services within our product requires a lot of complex tasks such as maintaining states to handle API failures, managings crons to handle waiting or triggering times, install queuing systems to ensure event propagation… and all without the ability to properly monitor your flows. Low code integration tools such as Zapier fall short in this context, due to deferred processing, limitations on the logic you can implement or on what you can do with APIs, lack of monitoring and pricing for a large volume. Because the control flow of these services is so crucial to your product, it is important to have full control over the integration and be able to easily understand and make updates. Zenaton offers [a simple way]( to describe and run your long-running flow control by coding a special function into your application using your preferred programming language (currently Node.js, Python, Ruby, and PHP). Generally, a few dozen lines of code are really all you need to code, run and monitor your flows, as all the heavy lifting is done by our engine, and our infrastructure. Here are a few examples of how customers are using Zenaton: - A marketplace of luxury watches uses Zenaton to handle the customer verification process (and more) that includes the use of an ID check API. By implementing a workflow with Zenaton, they have iteratively improved the process that was often failing due to minor user omissions. This presented the opportunity to smartly notify the user to fix the omission and improved the overall success rate. - A company offering online phone rental contracts have built their processes with Zenaton (request customer review, capture payment deposit, product return…). They now have the versatility to write the custom logic that they need and easily make changes to it as the needs evolve. - A European leader in supply chain visibility uses Zenaton to implements the logic of their alerting service. They built it in a couple of weeks with Zenaton, after having failed to build it internally for a few months. Following our mission to empower developers to get closer to their customers, today we are also releasing Connectors! An easy way to connect 90+ external APIs to enrich your processes. We have tried to create the most convenient and enjoyable way to manage those control flows and would love to hear your feedback on how we can make it better.
Paul Shuteyev
@gillesbarbier Hey! Zenaton looks great :) How about an interview about it at PM if interested.
Lorenzo Castro
We used Zenaton to rebuild our onboarding process for new members of our community (asynchronous emails, slack messages, and backend processes). It allowed us to build complex workflows that we would've never been able to setup on Zapier (not for lack of trying!), without adding much complexity. The interface makes it easy to track ongoing executions and be alerted when there's a failure. The team is very responsive, pushing updates often and producing a lot of content to help & inspire users. Highly recommend it!
Louis Cibot
@lorenzo_cb Thanks so much ! Glad you like it!
At we are a lot relaying on external services to build our systems, this empower us to focus more on our business than re-invent the wheel again and again for technical subject. One of the most useful and new service we use is definitely Zenaton. It helps us to solves complex asynchronous operations/workflows we have to run for our customers. The management of wait and recurring workflows is always a challenge in a basic job or queuing system and being able to just do a Wait().days(7) with Zenaton is really cool. Their dashboard are really good and easy to use, you can easily see the logs and retry any operations that failed with a click! We at MobileClub, highly recommend Zenaton for any asynchronous jobs / tasks you need to run for your system! It will speed-up all your developments and you will be able to focus on your business! Thanks to @gillesbarbier and his team ✌️
Gilles Barbier
@iam4x awesome feedback - it’s so exciting to see how you use Zenaton. You’re helping us to understand all the possibilities!
Guillaume Montard
It's great to see what you've been able to build using technology :)
Gilles Barbier
@g_montard - in about 2 weeks for this part - it was a ride!
Franck Dupont
I can tell you this team is as insane as the product. It literally replaced my former workflow process with much more simplicity. I tested a first version last year, and am incredibly impressed by the new features now to pilot your workflow from the dashboard. Nice job!
Gilles Barbier
@whitynox You were one of first user. So happy that it helps you.
Oussama Ammar
I know this team since the beginning and we are using it at The Family with a lot of joy :)
Louis Cibot
@daedalium Thanks Oussama, for your support at the very beginning 2 years ago and happy that you are now using us for internal communications.
@daedalium example of use case ?
Oussama Ammar
@francoolaami we manage all the onboarding of our startups in a very complex slack and airtable coordination using zenaton. It is about creating very complicate path of welcoming messages on multiple weeks and taking the team member slack personal account to give a non bot feeling :)
Renaud Visage
Awesome team building the next generation workflow manager for all your async tasks. Workflows can be as simple or as complicated as your business case demands. The connectors to all the services you already use and need make it super easy to build on. Go team!
Gilles Barbier
@renaudvisage Thanks Renaud, we appreciate your support! :)
Amine Laadhari
We used Zenaton as a replacement for apache airflow for our ETL jobs and we are really glad we did. We have now a reliable orchestration with monitoring and alerting out of the box. As a small team, we use Zenaton pretty much for every automation like our marketing workflows, cron jobs, etc. The dev experience is great and the team is very responsive. Highly recommended!
Louis Cibot
@aminelaa Thanks Amine. We love how you started with marketing automation workflows and moved to data pipelines! We have learned so much about the versatility of Zenaton by watching your team’s creativity!
Jonathan Ratier
We started using Zenaton for our complex payment process (generate invoices, send by mail / email, deep integration with Stripe, automatic follow-up, integration with accounting...). The team really helped us from the beginning (they even provided code to start our implementation). It's very easy to start with, and they keep pushing useful updates (I love the cron tasks, and can't wait to test the new API connectors). We now use Zenaton for lots of use cases (ex: communication workflows with our customers (ex: onboarding), backend jobs...).
Gilles Barbier
@jonathan_ratier Happy to help!
Balthazar de Lavergne
Really good documentation! It gave me a lot of ideas about things that I could do with Zenaton - from real world use cases to the list of functions. Also the ‘wait’ function looks pretty cool - that is something that is usually quite hard to build yourself -
Gilles Barbier
@balthazar_de_lavergne1 Thanks Balthazar! We have put a lot of work into the docs and we’re glad they were helpful!
Martin Le Roy
At we started using Zenaton a year ago and we could't be happier. We had a lot of crons polling every minutes or so, for events bound to happen in hours or days, and we have replaced all of those by Zenaton workflows much more understandable and scalable. We were also able to create new complex features with the services that would have been way too complicated to implements without it and we're not stopping here finding every day more ways to use Zenaton. A few strong points : - The documentation is really good (a point not to be neglected for sure !). - The dashboard is understandable and easy to use. - Communication is always on point, about the running processes or the new feature from Zenaton. - Last but not least : the team is great and always present to help about new features or to implements best practices on existing workflows. We could not recommend more !
André Tzincoca
Zenaton has been great for us. We coded our first production case in far less than a day. Since then we have been moving a lot of our logic to workflows. Gilles and his team are eager to help and very reactive. We found out it also led the marketing team to rethink our user interaction and integrate it in workflows to better serve our users and our staff. This may sound obvious to powerhouse software companies that are familiar with user life cycle but for us Zenaton has been a breather and offered a very decisive boost in our user interaction and management. Over time we have learned to balance our code between reusable business logic and Zenaton scheduling/event management. Keep on the good work.
Amazing team with a crazy technical challenge. We’re really happy to work with Zenaton for our product! Congrats & big support to this team with a really high level of care in the support.
Louis Cibot
@blondelmaxime Wow thank you so much!
Timothée Emery
Zenaton is the best product to handle your workflows. I divided my code size by two and speed the code production by three.
Gilles Barbier
@timothee_emery2 - our target is x10 - we keep pushing!
Florian Jourda
It's pretty simple: with Zenaton I now need only 1 engineer to handle both the business logic and the scalability/reliability of all my async jobs (drip emails, data processing, email reminders, daily crons). When I used to work at Box, we needed two teams of about 12 people to deal with this! It's so easy to create and manage complex async workflows that I even realized I was starting to create more workflows and subworkflows that I really needed 😅. Zenaton is your magic workflow hammer :)
Gilles Barbier
@florian_jourda1 Thats awesome, we love to hear that! Its exactly why we built zenaton
I've been waiting for something like this for a while hehe. I liked Zapier, but it always felt awkward as a dev. I think this has a big potential
Dorian Coffinet
We have been using Zenaton for several months and it is a real pleasure! Zenaton saves us valuable time and allows us to think of features that were difficult for us to implement with our small team of developers. The Zenaton team is great, and perfect technical support
Patrick Samy
Can't wait to leverage Zenaton to automate the workflows of our doctors, nutritionists, referrals, and put more people in remission of diabetes every day 🙌
Louis Cibot
@patricksamy We look forward to helping you make that happen. Thanks for your support!
Carl V. Lewis
Whoa, this is fantastic, simple to understand, and far more powerful than Zapier if you configure the right workflow. I just made my own Amazon dash button for funsies. +1
Gilles Barbier
@carlvlewis thanks carl! We have a couple of other fun projects coming online, we’ll definitely send them your way!
Clement Ravouna
I have been following Zenaton from day 1 and recommanded it to several projects. They are all impressed and very happy about it!